Chapter 2

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Alli took the clothes I recommended her and headed to the bathroom, she got out in about 2 minutes and she looked amazing, as always, my thoughts were interupted by Allison "Stiles you need to dress too..." she said looking at me

"Why? Isnt this okay?" i asked in confusion

"Oh you are not going out with me with these clothes. Its our first day at school. If you come like that we do not know each other." she said and continued to raise her voice as she talked. Typical Allison wanting me to overdress

"Okay, stop being so loud!" i said and she pouted, I went up to the closet and grabbed some of my clothes, the best I could find

"Hurry Stiles, Scott will be here in 10 minutes!" Allison said while looking at the time and then glaring at me, i found some good clothes and put them on "Nice..." Allison said "That's what I like to see"

"We need to go, like right now!" i said and Allison grabbed her bag along with mine and threw it at me, i caught it and we both run towards the door, we open it and we see Scott standing right in front of us, he was about to knock but we opened the door before he could "Uhhhh hi?" i say in confusion

"Goodmorning..? What the hell happened? Why are you both running?" he asked raising an eyebrow in confusion

"We are late Scott so you better move your ass to my jeep." i say and grab Scotts wrist, I dragged him to my jeep as Allison followed, she didnt really talk to Scott. They had a fight a few days ago about something i didnt really understand but seems he got under Allison's skin

We got in the jeep, me in the drivers seat, Alli in the passengers and Scott behind us in the middle. Scott is a werewolf and I knew from the start because of the smell they have, he told us that he was a bitten werewolf one year ago, I didnt tell him what I am, I learned to hide my fox scent which wasnt hard and that way I cant be detected by other supernatural creatures.

The whole ride was silent. We arrived and we went inside to choose what classes we would attend to, me and Alli chose the same classes. After doing so, we started heading to class, we had economics with Mr. Finstock, i sat down and Allison sat next to me and Lydia, her best friend sat behind her "Something is wrong with this teacher..." i whisper to Allison, Allison looks at me and before she even speaks the teacher blowed his whistle and looked at me

"Do you have something to say to the rest of the class, uhhhhh..." he said looking at the names on a paper, i knew he would have a rough time reading my name

"I like to be called Stiles..." i said with a sigh

"Whatever, silence Bilinski!" he yelled and blowed the whistle one more time, the rest of the time just passed because Mr. Finstock was quite fun, even if he was loud and abnoxious he really knew how to make class interesting, we went out for a lunch break and met up with Scott

"You guys have to meet some other of my friends, im sure you will like them!" Scott said, me and Allison had an awkward smile on our faces and both of our eyes widened, we stared at each other making our eyes wider with the oh my god face because we thought it was going to be some idiots, Lydia who was behind us saw that and chuckled

"Dont worry they really are good." she said

"Well i trust you two, hope you are right." Allison said, Lydia grabbed her wristed and pulled her to a table with I don't even know how many people

"Guys... This is Allison and this is Stiles! They are our best friends, we know each other from our first day at school!" Lydia said with excitement

"Hi..." me and Allison said awkwardly

"Well hi, we heard a lot about you two, im Derek and this is my girlfriend Paige, the blonde girl over there who is glaring at you with an eyebrow raised is Erica, next to her is Boyd, her boyfriend, these two next to me are Malia and her girlfriend Kira, the guy sitting next to Boyd is Isaac and these two are the twins, Aiden and Ethan, the guy that has an arm around Ethan is Jackson, Ethans boyfriend." he said looking at me and Allison

"Nice to meet you!" Allison said excited, well i couldnt say the same since i was in the middle OF A WEREWOLF PACK, they say that foxes and wolves don't get along which is why I have been hiding it from Scott and everyone else. They were all werewolves except 4 i think, Malia, Jackson, Kira and Paige. Paige was human for sure and the rest were something else, i wore my glasses so they wouldnt see my eyes glowing while looking at each one of them, i looked at Kira and she had this strange aura around her, a kitsune?? Strange, they are very similar to werefoxes but in the spiritual aspect. The rest were a different kind of shapeshifter probably. Me and Allison sat down and started eating our lunch with the others

Alright guys  im ending it here! I hope you enjoyed don't forget to comment and vote! Thank you for reading. Have a great day!

Edited April 11 2022

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