Chapter 5

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I guess i'm a little late... But oh well, when i say i'm back at it i promise a chapter in max 3 days so prepare! 


 Me and Derek were setting the table while Cora and Laura were watching over the food so it doesn't get burned. It was already 9:30, we told the pack to be here at 10 "Derek? Could you go grab some wood for the fire place?" I said to Derek on his phone, watching something, I could see him scroll through his gallery

"Fine..." he said after releasing a groan, giving me a glare, but he gave in and letting out a sigh, he went out in the woods to go get some, Paige was already here, reading a book, she came early as Derek's girlfriend

"Be careful!" she said while shifting to her knees from laying on the couch while reading and raising her hand to Derek who was shutting the door behind him, Derek didn't notice her or that's what he wanted us to think, they had a fight some hours ago about something I didn't really understand so he could possibly be mad at her. With Derek ignoring her, she sat back down and slowly withdrew her hand awkwardly, touching her chin with her thumb and index, it troubled her... I wonder what that fight was about...


We went home with Allison and I took a quick shower. I got ready and went downstairs to wait for Alli, it was 9:10 and we wanted to get there early so I can spend a little more time with Derek who still seems to despise me... Allison was still showering so I decided to go alone and walk this one so she could take my jeep, I let her know and I left, leaving my keys on the table.

The Hale house was about 10 minutes walking, maybe more, I had to walk next to the woods to actually get there which was scary since it was kind of dark, I also wasn't in the best mood ever the past months... I didn't want Alli to worry so I haven't told her yet, I started getting panic attacks in my sleep because I had a lot of nightmares that upset me, sometimes it has to do with my mom, some are about Derek, some are about Scott, some are about Alli, some were about the whole pack, something telling me they're all gonna dump me and that they don't actually care about me, then seeing them all together laughing and making fun of me... Sometimes I had panic attacks out of the blue because I got triggered or I dont know, they happened randomly throughout the day, today I didn't go through any and I started worrying, what if I have a panic attack in front of everyone while we are eating... The feeling got worst and worst, making me shake and feel sick in my stomach, my heart started beating faster and it wouldn't slow down, I couldn't breathe, I felt like everything was going dark, I was next to the woods before hearing someone stepping closer to me before I lose consciousness... Was I being kidnapped? Would I die? What's gonna happen to me? Who is approaching me?


I was cutting some wood like my mom asked me while taking my anger out when I heard a really intense heartbeat and caught a smell that smelled like Stiles, I immediately started running to the direction I was hearing the heartbeat that got faster every second that passed, I could hear somebody having a hard time breathing, Stiles was probably having a panic attack and it drove me crazy. I ran as fast as I could, worrying about my pack member being hurt, I started assuming the worst, just the idea of that weak, fragile and hyperactive spaz getting hurt, was crushing. I stopped at the sight of Stiles laying down uncoscious, his heart still beating, giving me a feeling of relief, hearing his heart beat, I started running up to the uncoscious Stiles once again, picking him up and carrying him to the house along with the bag of firewood...

I got to the house and bursted in with Stiles on my shoulders, uncoscious "Oh my god! What happened?!" my mother asked, panicking at the sight of the uncoscious boy

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