Chapter 14

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I BET Y'ALL THOUGHT I WAS GONE. Well guess what I'm back and I think I'm gonna be writing a lot generally now because I have lots lots of inspiration. Merry Christmas or whatever y'all readers celebrate. I'm happy to see that my story has reached that many views in a year! Thank you all for your kind words and for your support now let's get into it


We reached our destination while I was asleep. Finally, the place I can be myself without fear.

"Stiles? You need to wake up we're here." Alice whispers to me, waking me up from my nap kindly. "I have some business to attend to. Mej will take you to the others and you'll go and meet Hannah. She is a witch who specializes in divination and she will help you find your shit. She can be a bit feisty tho so don't give her attitude or... Well you'll see." She warns me

Waking up, I see a big mansion. Old school kind of vibes. I could feel the supernatural energy from this place running all over my body like electricity. Witches, werebeasts, vampires and others I don't believe I've ever felt before.

I follow Mej into the building. We walk for a bit and I see a beautiful woman across me on a table with a bunch of stuff. "Lady Alice said to bring this man here. I'm not sure who he is but she said you'll understand once you do your thing." Mej said. The mysterious woman nods and does a hand gesture, pointing at a chair for me to sit.

"Give me your hand child." She said in an alluring voice. I don't know why but I instinctively followed this woman's instructions and gave her my hand slowly. "Oh... So you're the fox child." She smirks

I take my hand back swiftly as a reaction to what she said. I'm not used people knowing my identity as a werefox so for me it's still new

"Hey now, we're allies. Show a bit of trust. Would you like a warm cup of tea?" She asks me

"Uhm yes please and uh... Could you tell me who you are?" I ask still captivated by her looks. Her curly hair and sharp like a siren features... Her black velvet skin that is literally flawless...

"Hannah darling, now aren't you a just a sunshine you little cutie." I raise my eyebrows in surprise. THAT'S Hannah? Damn okay I never would've seen that coming.

She lays a cup of tea on the desk and grabs a crystal. "Now sugar, I want you to fill this crystal with your energy. Not a lot, just a little bit." She says and I do as I was instructed.

The crystal turned yellow and she looked intrigued. She took it, placed it on the palm of her hand and held it with her eyes closed. "So your abilities vary huh? Interesting. Your most powerful skills are emanating and sensing. Seems like you have access to magic using fox energy too. Now you don't see that every day do you..." she says as she puts the crystal down

"May I ask, what exactly is your power?" I ask her, grabbing with the tips of my fingers the crystal, observing it

"My gifts are divination and sensing. But I specialise in love magic and glamours or as some call it, beauty magic." she says giving me a wink

"Don't be fooled, this woman is our top information gatherer. She is slick and very cunning. Her methods are very wretched and twisted." says Mej who was still behind me

"Awh you're no fun you little servitor play thing. Go fetch Lady Alice's books and don't talk." Hannah says viciously, her energy and vibe changing from sweet to malicious in seconds

"What did you just say to me you witch?" Mej says, putting his hands down with force on the table. Shaking the whole thing.

"Do not tempt me into dismantling you, boy toy." She says with a cold look on her face. What the hell happened, how did she shift from sweet to vicious to emotionless so quickly. Her gaze petrifying.

"Showing off your powers to the newbie? You know glamour magic doesn't work on us servitors you wretched witch." Mej says rolling his eyes

"Oh come on why not? It's always fun to confuse them." She says and everything goes back to normal. She controls her expressions, aura, vibe and everything so perfectly wow! "Anyways, Alice's guard dog, take him to the training room. I assume you heard his abilities so I won't have to repeat myself. Or are you incapable of understanding that too without your owner telling you? Haha" she says in an ironic tone. I'm not sure if I like this woman or not honestly. She's really mean to Mej. He grabs me and drags me away

"Hey uh are you okay?" I ask the servitor

"Yes, I am nothing more but a mere creation of Lady Alice. My goal is not to feel or be upset but to follow her orders and protect her." He says but he is clearly upset so I can tell he's bothered by Hannah's behaviour

"Yeah uh I'm not convinced. I might be dumb but not that dumb. It's not fair for her to treat you like this. Is everyone that mean to servitors?" I ask looking at Mej, he looked down on the floor and back at me

"Not everyone but yes. There are still stereotypes about us that rule over the way people treat us. Mere creations with no life, no wants or needs, no feelings. But Lady Alice is different. She treats me like a human being. Of course she's my master and I must follow her orders but I do it because my respect and care for her goes deep, not because she forces me to." Mej says, with a smile creeping on his face when he started talking about Alice

"Must be hard for you... Don't worry, if someone else to talks to you like that I'll beat their ass." I say giving him a gentle nudge on the shoulder, cheerfully

Mej looked at me in confusion, but at the same time happiness "You don't have to do that." He shook his head smiling and looking at the floor, flustered

"Shut up." I say

"Now here's where you'll be training from now on." He says and we stop walking. He opens a gate, leading to the back of the mansion. A huge place with rocks, trees and everything anyone can need to train. "Over there is the equipment room. If you need anything, you can let me know and I'll fetch it for you." He says pointing at a door on the left

"Alright but I think I can do that myself." I tell him, trying to show him I don't want to use him for a personal gain or for my own convenience. "Anyways thank you for showing me the essentials. I'll go to training now and I'll see you later?" I ask

"Perhaps." He says smiling at me. He then proceeds to walk away

A few months later

Time's passed. I'm adjusting to things here. Missions here and there to retrieve items. I belong in a group now. Mej and I have become great friends. I've requested Alice to let him roam free for a bit so I can hang out with him. Of course she accepted.

The people I hang out are really cool. They chose the groups based on ability. We are the sneaky shit kind of group. Most of the times we just look for artifacts. Sometimes the missions are more uhm... Demanding let's say. Assassination is the hardest so far. Alice recognizes that most of us are a bit scared so she avoids putting us in those kind of missions. So far so good though.

The team consists of 5 members, with me in it of course. Me the werefox. Jax, who comes from a family of warlocks who work with demons. Kiana, I haven't really grasped the concept of what she is but like I suppose something like a siren or a Gorgon? Helen who i also haven't really understood the nature of her power yet but she's really useful. And lastly Cameron who is a shapeshifter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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