Chapter 7

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I woke up to the feeling of somebody's weight crushing me. I open my eyes and see someone sleeping on top of me, his head on my chest, sleeping, and snoring lightly, it was cute to be honest. I was half asleep so I didn't know what's going on, I thought it was some kind of dream, still not recognizing the man on top of me I realise I'm not in my room, taking a look around woke me up to reality, I recognized the room in seconds it was DEREK'S... And the man on top of me was no one other than Derek Hale! I fell asleep at his house last night, my heart started racing as my eyes had opened wide, Derek was ON TOP OF ME- And I didn't even realise it?! 'I'm a big fucking idiot' I thought to myself as I was panicking. I accidentally moved a bit during my panic, resulting to waking Derek up who was now half asleep on top of me, hearing my heartbeat and smelling my panic "What's wrong?" he asked confused looking at me, his eyes puffy from waking up

"Uhm... You're... On top of me...?" I said raising an eyebrow

"Yeah so...?" Derek asked "You fell asleep on my shoulder last night and you hugged me in your sleep, so... I ended up spooning you and you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up." he continued 'Derek likes cuddles?' I thought to myself surprised but I bet it was just accidental, a one time thing, a platonic hug? It was just an accident, it's never gonna happen again, don't get your hopes up Stiles "I would definitely do it again though..." Derek says still on top of me, resting his jaw on his hands that were intertwined and placed on my chest while he was looking at me as I blushed, causing him let out a chuckle. WAIT DEREK SAID WHAT? HE- HE WOULD TO IT AGAIN?

"Yeah me too... It was just cuddling with a friend so... I'm used on doing that with Allison but I guess it wasn't that bad with you either..." I say and chuckle nervously while Derek is STILL ON TOP OF ME HOPING THIS IS A DREAM. It definitely is. There's no way this happened! Act cool Stiles...

"Wanna go get breakfast and then head to school?" he asked still on top of me... Leaving my statement about cuddling with a friend unanswered, come on Der don't do that give me a clear message... "Not that I wanna get up... You're a good pillow to be honest..." he said, that made me blush once more

"Hehe, I get that a lot, but yeah let me just call my dad and tell him I fell asleep here." I say and Derek gets up so I can grab my phone. Derek went downstairs to make breakfast. I grab my phone and dial my dad's number, I let him know I fell asleep at Derek's and he scolded me a little bit but he was glad I was okay, after ending the call with my dad I called Allison to let her know, she practically squeeked when I told her Derek fell asleep on me. I filled Alli in and went downstairs too after hanging up

"Goodmorning Stiles." I heard miss Hale greet me when I came downstairs, Derek was in the kitchen, preparing the table "Did you sleep well?" she asked

"Goodmorning miss Hale and yes, I slept very well, sorry for not letting you know I was staying over." I say giving her a guilty grin, I really felt bad but they probably knew I was here before they saw me, I'm in a house full of werewolves after all

"Nonsense Stiles, you're family, you can sleep here whenever you want." she said, it was nice to hear it from miss Hale... Her approval means a lot to me as she has become the mother figure I never had in my life

"T-Thank you!" I say and go to the kitchen. I see Derek who was holding the plates carefully, placing each one of them on the table, one for me and one for him

"Come on, we gotta eat and go to school." he said and I pulled the chair out of its place to sit down. We started eating and when we were done we were off to school


Once we entered the school Lydia ran to us with a huge grin on her face "You're coming to the party right?" she said to us, excited to hear a yes, me and Derek looked each other in confusion because we didn't know what she was talking about

"What party?" we both said and Lydia gasped dramatically

"The biggest highschool party ever! DUH! Hosted by of course me, I host the best parties in Beacon Hills, if you miss it I swear to god you are disowned, this is gonna be a BIG ONE! Derek, I invited your uncle Peter too! He and his group are gonna be playing music for us!" she said in excitement, we both got scared by the fact we would get disowned, even though we had nothing to lose from being disowned, it's not like she was gonna give us her house if something happened, Derek never lost a party but me? I was completely antisocial...

"Of course we're coming Lydia!" Derek said rolling his eyes, I look at him with my eyes wide, now glaring at him as he looks at me confused "What?" he whispers shrugging, ugh this means I have to go too, I swear, this man...

The rest of the day was boring, classes... Gossip... And stuff like that. The whole pack agreed on going to the party, the downside of this? It was a full moon so it would be harder for everyone at the party, but everyone had their anchor so there was nothing to worry about, but me? I didn't even have one, that's why I avoid parties... An anchor is someone to ground you to reality, someone you are connected to or care for to keep you from losing touch with your humanity... I guess we'll see. I got home with Allison because she was came at school with my jeep "So...?" she asked in excitement

"What?" I say and raise an eyebrow

"Oh come on Stiles, tell me how it was with Derek!" she said as she groaned

"Oh, yeah, it was really nice I guess, it was incredibly cute watching him sleep, he told me he would do it again and I was super surprised, so I said 'Yeah me too... It was just cuddling with a friend so...' and he agreed so nothing romantic Allison, it was nothing, but I'm glad we came closer."

"Fine, are you coming to the party? Wow... Why am I even asking, you wont come." she asked

"Oh no I'm coming, god knows what Lydia's gonna do to me if I don't." I say, of course lying, she would realise but it was worth a try, Allison is a human lie detector

"Just that?" she asks smirking and wiggling her eyebrows

"Fine... Derek said we're both coming and he wants me to come so I couldn't say no to him, he is actually quite softer than he seems..."

"Well to you perhaps..." she says smirking, looking down and raising her shoulder. A notification popped on my phone, it was Derek, he was asking if I wanted to hang out around 7 "Who is it?" she said while looking at me smiling at the sight of the message, she rushed to my side and looked at the phone "OMG STILES, SAY YES, LIKE RIGHT NOW." she screamed at my ear and I immediately started writing 'Of course', I hit send and he send an emoji grinning. I liked the message and started doing my homework with Allison. After some time I get another message from Derek saying 'Paige is gonna be there too, you don't mind do you?', I like Paige so I didn't really have a problem with her, she is also good at playing violin and I wanted to ask her to play for me 'No, not at all! I wanted to hear her play violin too but I never got the chance to ask her.' I typed and hit send, after that I went back to my homework.


I got out of the shower and dressed up, I wore a red jacker with some black jeans and I was off to Dereks.

Ik it's smaller, but i promise a lot of things are gonna happen at Derek's house, ya'll better prepare! I also thought that it's gonna be better if i fit all the things that are gonna happen at Derek's at one chapter. Anyways, goodnight people, i'll try to write tomorrow, i'm gonna wake up early tomorrow but i promise a chapter in the next 3 days. GOONIGHT LOVE YOU, WHOEVER READING THIS CRAPPY BOOK THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT <3<3<3<3

Edited 24 April 2022

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