Chapter 3

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Me and Stiles went home after we hanged out with Scott and his friends, they were all pretty chill, something I didn't expect knowing Scott. He wasn't really the best at choosing who he hangs out with so me and Stiles always ended up protecting him from people who were a bad influence.

The only weird thing was Derek, he was grumpy all the time unlike his girlfriend Paige who was very talkative, she loves playing violin and music in general. To my surprise Erica could keep up with my brothers sarcasm and irony which is very hard knowing Stiles. The rest were very casual, but definitely very interesting.

Then it hit me. Stiles' behavior was very weird at the table, he felt very awkward and I could see how he was worried, I wonder why... My thoughts were interrupted by my brother

"Hey Alli! Can you come here for a sec? We need to talk!" i heard Stiles yelling from the kitchen

"Uhm sure what is it?" i asked raising both of my eyebrows

"I assume you already noticed but I am pretty sure that the people we just met are Scott's pack." he said but i wasnt really shocked to be honest, i expected it, there was no chance Scott actually met that many people at once

"Are they all wolves?" I ask trying to get a bit more info. Stiles feels very uncomfy with werewolves because he is convinced that they hate werefoxes. He doesn't have any proof of that but he says it's always been like that. I never understood it.

"Nope, not all of them, Paige is human, Kira had this strange aura around her so definitely not human, but she isn't a shapeshifter, she's something called kitsune. A Japanese fox spirit. Malia and Jackson are something else. Definitely shapeshifters but not sure what."

"I expected it, it doesnt worry me to be honest, since we know Scott is a werewolf they will probably tell us and make us part of their pack, do you plan on telling them what you are?" i asked Stiles who was cooking, dad was at work and Stiles was cooking, he was using his mom's recipe book, if made him feel like she was close when he had it with him or when he cooked, i dont judge him, if cooking or baking relaxes him then he can do whatever he wants

"Are you seriously even asking that?" he asked shaking his head and half closing his eyes

"Well you said Kira is a kitsu something aka a fox so why wont they accept you?" i asked curiously trying to motivate my brother

"Im not taking any risks Alli." he said giving me a serious look, i knew i had to stop now because his decision was final

"Well..? What do you think about Derek?" i asked knowing he spaced out staring at him millions of times

"W-what do you mean?" he asks not looking away from the food he was cooking

"Oh come on Stiles you think your sister cant understand when you like someone?"

"It doesnt matter Alli he has a girlfriend anyways, he probably isnt even into guys." he said letting out a sigh

"Well you don't know that yet, you're pan and you realised when you were 12. Some people need more time!" i ask with a smirk on my face

"Can we please not talk about this?" he says and he finishes making food

"Fine fine..." i say, we both got up and move to the couch, we started watching TV because the food needed time to cool down. After some time the food was ready to be eaten and i sat at the table waiting for Stiles to bring the food, i didnt really see what he cooked but i think he made rice with vegetables and some chicken, he passed me a plate and gets one for himself, we sit down and start to eat

"So... Can you tell me what happened with Scott?" Stiles asked with his mouth full, i take a bite of what the food Stiles cooked and it was really good, as always

"Well we were supposed to hang out but he cancelled it 5 times in a row because he had a pack meeting or something which pissed me off because he is supposed to be my best friend, him and Lydia are the ones we know since we started school... I got jealous..." i say, i feel bad but i cant help but being jealous even though know i shouldnt...

"Alli its okay to be jealous sometimes, its a human emotion, its not bad but you just need to get over it, the pack is important to Scott. It's like i want to get over the way i see Derek."

"About that, are you going to tell them you are pansexual? Because you know, you shouldnt really pretend around them, every shapeshifter is basically pansexual." i say because he doesnt want to talk about Derek so im changing the subject.

"Well yeah, im going to tell them that." he says and keeps eating

"Well we should go study because we want free time to do shit together later." i said. I start eating fast and we both finish our food, i grabbed Stiles plate, went to the sink, started washing them and put them in their place, that's our daily routine is: Stiles cooks, i clean, he trains me to protect myself from supernatural creatures and i help him with his homework. Pretty fair



We were on our way to Dereks house or the Hale House. I really liked his family, his mom treated everyone like her own children, well she was the alpha of the pack but still she quickly became a mother figure for me, Derek asked us himself to become members of the pack which was something i didn't really expect because i thought he hated me, i don't really know if he liked Allison but he definetely didnt like me but i didn't know why he asked me to join too, maybe he wants to find me alone and rip my throat out or something

Edited 12 April 2022

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