Chapter 13

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Hello friends, I haven't been writing because I was spending time on myself and you know self care, but I'm now back at it again because I felt like writing tonight. Hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope you're having a great summer.


After getting my heart broken by Derek I left, just like that. I needed my time to heal and I don't think anyone besides Alice understands my pain right now... I left a message to Allison, and knowing her she won't look for me because I told her not to. She would consider it wrong. We went back to the cottage where Alice and I had our first encounter. She started packing some stuff of hers, tarot decks, crystals, some weird jewelry, herbs and all kinds of stuff you'd see in a witch's house to be honest... "Aren't you gonna get anything?" she said not looking back at me, focused on packing her stuff

"I got what I needed. But I have a question if that's allowed." I say

"Stiles we have a partnership I'm not your boss, you don't have to ask me if questions are allowed." she says looking at me with a cringed smile

"Alright then, first question: where are we going exactly?" I ask her clenching my eyebrows in curiosity and raising my hand a bit, letting it sit on a position of question

"We are going to my people who is a place full of rescued people who are supernatural, there you will explore your gifts and you will train. It is located in a town called Dresto." she says still packing

"Next question: what exactly is your goal?" I ask half closing my eyes in suspicion

"That is indeed a nice question, I serve a higher purpose. I am trying to make the world a safer place by stopping people who hunt down our kind, meaning the supernatural, and stopping any supernatural being that excludes other kinds. For examples there are pack of werewolves who don't help anyone else except wolves. I want to show them there shouldn't be segregation in the supernatural community and I want to build a shelter for everyone. Werebeasts, witches, vampires and anything in between or out of these categories. But I also have my own motives that I unfortunately cannot reveal to you yet as I am unsure you're going to stay." she said, I mean alright that sounds cool I guess? She is a little girl what else could she want? "But Stiles I have to reveal something to you. My name is Alice Hale." she said and turned around to face me, I flinch in confusion and get snapped back to reality, did she just say Hale? Did I hear that right? I started putting the pieces together... The fact she and only knew the truth about Derek... How she has some weird grudge towards him...

"OH SHIT, YOU'RE- YOU'RE DEREK'S LITTLE SISTER!" I say pointing at her in shock

"Indeed, I am. You see my mom wasn't that faithful to her husband. Apparently she was in heat yada yada yada you get the point, she screwed with a warlock and here I am, a hybrid. I am a werewolf and a witch. She does not know I'm alive and the family doesn't know about my father's existence or the fact I am from a different father." she said, like girl I was still trynna process the first part now you're adding more?! Give me a break

"So that's why you wanted me away from Derek, because you know him, like PERSONALLY!" I say still in shock and kind of angry she didn't tell me that but would I believe her if she did earlier? Nah

"Exactly. As much as I want to build a peaceful place I also want to destroy the Hale family, specifically my mom and Derek, the rest don't deserve any harm and I have another goal which I cannot reveal yet." she said as she picked her suitcase up and started walking my way, now damn, talk about complicated family-

"I do not know how to answer any of this so moving on. So third question: what kind of witch are you?" I ask and she looks at me in confusion "Look I know most of you keep it private because you don't want your abilities revealed but we are partners which means we have to know each other's powers to work together better." I say trying to convince her

She let's out a sight before she speaks "Fine, I am a conjurer and a psychic. Meaning, to addition of my common witch abilities I have the ability to summon spirits and entities of all kind and give them energy to maintain them in the physical realm. We are considered the weakest because they say that we are incapable of doing anything on our own and our skills take a lot of time to perfect." she says and gets in the car "Happy?" she says groaning, damn someone's moody...

"Aaalright...? Fourth question: what kind of training am I going to go through?" I say in fear because of what she said

"Well fighting of course, all of the supernatural beings have gifts that are added to their common abilities, we just have to see in what way yours manifests. First we're going to do some divination to see the kind of energy you possess and then you're going to work on your attribute. It's a very simple system we use." she says while she sits on the back

"Wait aren't you gonna drive?" I ask in confusion

"No dummy, I'm too young to drive." she says and snaps her fingers "He will."

"WOW." I say surprised, a tall black haired middle aged man appeared on the driver's seat "What is that tho." I say enthusiastically

"He's a servitor, a creature made by me to transport me everywhere." she says letting out a groan and rolling her eyes

"You can do that???" I whisper in awe

"Yeah it's kind of a thing we do in witchcraft, my ability allows me to bring him here without spellcasting, another witch would have to recite a spell or even do a ritual." she said "Now please take us to Dresto, Mej."

"So cool..." I say looking at him. He looks so real like what, I reached out my hand and extended one of my finger to touch him

"I would advise you not to do that young man." Mej says in a deep voice

"Oh you can talk?" I ask

"Obviously. Master? Who even is this guy" he asks Alice and turns around to face her a bit, excuse me? The audacity of this man made doll is very questionable

"Someone important Mej, now keep driving..." she says as she polishes her nails, where did she even get the nail polish like okay

"Yes my lady." he says and keeps on driving as requested

I think that's it for tonight. Are yall excited to meet the people Alice has rescued AND did you like the plot twist? Vote and comment and let me know what you expect and what you want to see

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