Chapter 9

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It's been a while since I started writing this book, so enjoy as I will be letting my imagination run free on this one :)


Everyone followed Talias orders. Lydia started bringing stuff for all the people she was bringing in. She was the one with the biggest house after all.

She went to the kitchen to gather a bunch of herbs. Returning everyone looked confused

What would she use the herbs for?

Lydia came back as everyone looked confused "Uhm Lydia?" Jackson said in a soft tone while watching Lydia go back and forth bringing herbs.

"Hm?" she mutters as she keeps going

"I don't think the Gashadokuro is gonna be scared of an army of dead plants" he says ironically, everyone chuckled a bit. Lydia sights in disappointment and looks at them

She grabs a handful of lavender and says "Not the time to play smart Jackson." she then blows a handful of lavender at Jackson's face and he falls on the floor, now sleeping.

Everyone was shocked by what Lydia just did, they didn't know she was that skilled at Sorcery. They knew she was training with Deaton but they thought it was just for show or something Lydia would do, like love spells. They were very wrong on that one

"Anyone wanna have the same fate?" she says with a sinister grin on her face

"No please carry on-" Isaac says in shock and disbelief, processing what just happened

"Thank you." she says in a very serious tone

After a long time Lydia finally gathered the needed ingredients.

Those being rosemary, rose thorns, salt, cloves, salt, lavender, Angelica root and bay leaves. She starts crushing them on a mortar while being focused on what the herbs were supposed to do...

Thing is what are they supposed to do?

She then puts the mix of herbs in multiple little jars, specifically nine, for each one person there.

"Everyone! Come here NOW" Lydia yells so she can be heard by the group of people who was roaming around in her house.

They all come to the kitchen and look at the jars with confusion. "What are these?" Allison asked

"Mix of protective herbs of course dummy" Lydia says, she proceeds to explain "Each one of you will have one just in case, these will not drive the Gashadokuro away BUT it will protect you if you open it. Only once though, I enchanted them so they form a circle the moment you take off the lid. This will give us enough time to think of whatever we can to fight it in case we need to."

"Wow. Sorcery really is something else..." Malia mutters, everyone looks at her a bit confused "What?" she said as the others were being curious about how fascinated she was.

"Anyways..." Lydia says "Allison? I'll need your help on this one, Paige too if you would please. We have to cast protection spells on the entrances and set alarms. Every inch of energy is useful." she continues as she grabs a spell book. Both nodded and followed Lydia "The rest of you should get to sleep. It's getting late." she demanded while walking outside with the two other girls

They reach the main entrance of the house. Lydia opens her book and tells Allison and Paige to say 'yes' either in their head or out loud, they both do. An energy orb popped out of both the girls. "Keep us safe under this powerful veil." she says and another orb appeared out of Lydia... The orbs then all fused and started spreading on the door. They had now created a barrier

"First of all what was that? Second, what the hell came out of our bodies? Third-" Paige was saying annoyingly like Lydia just did something she shouldn't but Lydia raises her index finger up

"Ah-ah-ah. Shush. I'm not obligated to explain but whatever. I took your energy, you said you wanted to help. Stop acting annoyed and be useful. This will protect us for now." Lydia scolded her

Paige opened her mouth and acted offended, she raised her hand to her chest "I AM NOT USELESS" she yells "Who do you think you are?! Talking to me like that?!" she continues yelling

"Listen up girly. You're in my house. In my house? You do as I say. You act as I say. You're in my shadow right now. I'm the one offering you shelter and keeping you safe. I'm the one protecting all of you at the moment so you better show more respect. Stop acting like a privileged little princess and do as you're told. Instead of not doing anything and sitting there waiting to be saved, do something useful and stop complaining. We're not obligated to protect you. And stop letting your insecurities project. It's pathetic." Lydia says, she meant every word of what she just said, Allison was watching in awe while Paige was sitting there after Lydia just crushed her ego and pride to bits.

Paige just went silent... She didn't want to admit it but she knew Lydia was right, she always expected others to do stuff for her but never did something herself. She was hurt but she knew it was the truth... And she had to hear it.

I know it's small! I'll try to write more when I get the chance, this was a fun chapter to write. I wanted to give Lydia some more screen time. I want to give all characters at least some attention (our main theme ofc being sterek). This is necessary for Paiges growth! But let's be honest Lydia absolutely slayed, she ate and left no crumbs. I hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for more! Don't forget to vote and comment and thank you for reading!

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