Chapter 6

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Okay guys this is the new chapter, hope you enjoy! <3


As I was walking down the stairs I could hear everyone whispering and wondering what happened to Stiles, except Paige. I could smell her anger from where I was. I kept walking trying to make out what they were saying but they were all talking together and I couldn't make anything out of it, I took the last step on the stair and kept walking towards the living room where everyone was located. First thing I see is an angry girlfriend that was now furiously walking up to me, trying to intimidate me

"What, Paige?" I asked looking at her dead in the eye, I didn't have the time mental capacity to do this for real... So I looked at her with a completely dead expression because I was tired both mentally and physically

"For starters, growling at me?" she asked raising an eyebrow and half cringing, I seriously couldn't deal with this right now

"Yes Paige, I didn't even mean to growl, it just came out instinctively." I said trying to walk away from my angry girlfriend, but when I tried to she moved in front of me, I cross my hands in response "What do you want?" I say and sigh, I am trying to prevent us fighting but she doesn't seem to care

"Second, since when do you even care about Stiles, you always say he's annoying and all that stuff." she states, it was true, I have said that. I don't think Stiles is annoying though, at least not the way Paige thinks. I admit he's playful, mischievous and childish but he has a joyful and lively presence... He is the annoying we- no, I like... Not the kind that makes you want to knock him out but the one that'll make you laugh and just live in the moment.

"Yes that doesn't mean I don't care about him, he's a pack member Paige, I can't not care about him." I state, my pack is my family and that includes Stiles, what is so hard to understand?

"Fine, then apologise for growling at me." she demanded, my eyes widen and both my eyebrows raised automatically

"Apologise? Are you for real?" I ask with the same expression in my face

"Yeah Derek I am for real, ignoring me wasn't enough now YOU GROWL AT ME?! No, you don't get to do that. I am your girlfriend and I should be respected more than this." she said demanding an apology that I couldn't actually give since I don't regret it. Mentioning the ignoring part just made me even more angry, I was trying to calm down so we don't fight but again she doesn't care, she's asking for too much as always

"First of all I can't apologise for something I don't feel sorry for, second you're the one that cancels our plans to hang out with Lydia and Erica." I say, my voice getting more intense with every word I say, I am beyond pissed at this point

"You don't feel sorry?! And yes but that doesn't-" I didn't let her finish

"If your answer is yes then I believe we're done here. I do not wish to hold this conversation a second longer, I have nothing else to say you can go calm down and come talk to me when you DO have something to say, because right now you're pissing me off even more and I do not have the stamina for another fight. When you actually want to solve this and drop your ego then come find me so we can talk it through." I say dead seriously, she was left in shock, I've never spoken to her this coldly but I ws at my limit at this point. After that no words came out of her mouth, she was standing speechless, everyone else was in shock and looking at us in surprise, we were so absorbed we forgot the others being here. I gave them all a glare because I was not having it and they went back to eating the food my mom carefully made...

Scott got up to go check on Stiles as his best friend when he saw Allison going down the stairs, I've always heard Scott talk nonstop about how he feels Stiles as his own brother and stuff like that. The rest of the night continued in awkward silence, Stiles' voice broke it when he shouted my name, after all I told him to call me when he wants to get up so he doesn't exhaust himself after everything. I quickly go upstairs, in the room he was in and I see Stiles who was sitting on the bed, both hands on his sides, trying to get up but struggling

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