Chapter 10

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I was very busy editing the other chapters of this story so I didn't write a new one. But now, it is time to do so! Enjoy my loves!

Stiles pov

Stilinski residence

I was making food because we were gonna wait till Deaton and the rest were done casting protection spells all over the town. Derek was sitting on the living room, a weird feeling of anxiousness coming off of him. He was clearly thinking about something that had him confused and to be honest he wasn't the only one... I'm questioning my sexuality again... I think I may be gay because the only girl crush I've ever had was Lydia and it was more because of admiration than wanting to be in a romantic relationship with her... So... Preparing for another come out I guess...? To Allison mainly because I haven't come out of the closet to the others yet... I was brought back to reality by the soft voice of my best friend who spoke to me worried after seeing me lost in my thoughts "Stiles? You okay buddy? You spaced out for some time."

"Yeah don't worry about it I'm fine... Just thinking about some stuff. Nothing to worry about." I say trying not to worry him, it really wasn't such a big deal to be honest I was just confused about my sexuality, but for real it couldn't have been a worst time to question that... We're under attack by a mythical creature that decapitated people and I'm thinking about my sexual preferences... Way to go Stiles...

I finished cooking and we just dined in silence, it was pretty awkward to be honest. I decided to break the silence and share my previous thoughts with Scott and Derek... "So uhm... I have something to say. Important. A little random but I just want to get it off my chest." I say as my heartbeat raises because I was worried about the judgement in their looks... My first come out didn't go that well so I was a bit hesitant even with the pack. They both turn their heads to face me looking curious and concerned at the same time

"Well go on don't keep us waiting." Derek said and I started shaking as I was trying to take a bite of the food I cooked "Stiles whatever it is we assure you it's okay..." he says after seeing me shake, it helped a bit but not enough

I take a deep breath getting ready to tell them I may be gay and that I hope nothing changes "Guys... Uhm I think I might be g-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before a loud ringing started echoing loudly all over the house, causing us all cover our ears before getting the chance to react in any other way... Deaton said that before the Gashadokuro appears a loud ringing will be heard, it was here. Jesus Christ it couldn't find a better time to do it, could it? Like damn... The TV started glitching as the lights were flickering... And that's when we saw it... The Gashadokuro standing inside the house, in the middle of the living room, completely still "Guys? Please tell me I'm hallucinating and that you can't see that." I say my voice shaking as I try to control my heartbeat so I don't transform in front of Scott and Derek, if I did, my cover as a werefox would be blown away

"Nope, we see it too. We all see it Stiles." Derek says as he wolfs out releasing a loud growl that was heard all over the area. Scott also wolfs out and they both move in front me, while extending an arm gesturing to stay me back and covering me for protection... I knew they were no match for the Gashadokuro but why wouldn't it move?

Derek got closer slowly trying to inspect it and observe it but the moment Derek got in front of it the Gashadokuro moved so fast and grabbed him by the neck "SHIT!" I yell thinking he was about to get decapitated but he was just thrown at my living room's wall instead. His body crashing on the wall and slowly falling down, now unconscious... 'what the fuck just happened' I thought to myself as I saw Derek laying on the ground with his stomach, unconscious.

The Gashadokuro started slowly walking towards us, to be honest it looked more like it was after me instead of the others, it kept walking my direction, it's attention focused on me... Scott charged right at it but as I said before it was too fast. Scott's pointless attempt to strike went to waste as he was send flying towards the other side of the room, Scott was now also unconscious and I was left alone with this... This thing that was slowly approaching me... You gotta be fucking kidding me... Those two were so easy to knock out? I wanted to go check on the badly hurt Derek but I couldn't, one move and I'd be dead. I shifted on my knees and begged the being to let them live and take me instead "Get up Stiles. " the being spoke with a deep voice that echoed all over the room

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