{Chapter 12}

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It's another dream again...
They stopped awhile ago
There're against my back now

(Ccino POV)
I woke up to my the small light coming from a crack in my window.
I got out the bed and out the door as usual.
It was a nice day today actually

When I walk outside I see Nightmare and walk up to him.
I guess I came off to awkward because he just kept looking at the ground, but I don't blame him he's probably embarrassed about yesterday...
I can't say I'm not happy, but I don't really know what he wants to do moving forward from this.

The mourning has been a jumble so far. Nightmare put one of his tentacles on my shoulder.

(Third Person View)
"Can I talk to you before you go to work?"

Ccino looked up at him and gave a hesitant nod going a little nervous while waiting for him to say his next words

Nightmare gave a breath before looking at Ccino in the eyes. He took a hold of one of his hands with both of his and started to speak once again.

"Ccino, for a while now I have realized how much you mean to me... in fact, I have come to terms with the fact that I am indeed in love with you."
Nightmare words were fluent, but with obvious nervousness in his voice.
Ccino's face lit up as he felt those same butterflies in his stomach that he had felt before.
"Nightmare, are you asking me what I think your asking me...?"
Ccino's voice was shaky as he clutch his hand with both of Nightmare's as he was still holding it.

Nightmare gave a short nod avoiding eye contact once again.
Nightmare felt arms go around his back and a warm embrace filled him.

"You sure that we're ready for this?"
Ccino had a permanent smile on his face while he was still hugging Nightmare.

"Yeah I'm sure.."

"Wanna try"

I had another dream that night. I heard the steps once again while they stopped and sat like last time I felt two arms go around my waist as I was embraced into a hug. Everything around went brighter again as I felt a sudden wave of happiness in me.
Yeah this is ware I'm meant to be.

Hello everyone! First I would like to say sorry that this is so short. I originally planned for it to be longer, but sometimes things don't go as planned. Thank you all for sticking around on my book "Wanna Try" I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you all had a fun time reading! and for any questions I do plan on making future books (not all of them will be this pairing though, but I'll still be around)

Wanna Try (Ccino x Nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now