{Possible Rewrite}

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I wanted to say this real quick
I might rewrite this book sometime in the future, because I honestly don't like it that much-
I'm still not the best writer, but considering this was experimental I've improved a bit from then
Here are a few things I would like to fix 😎:

-personality- both of Nightmare's and Ccino's personalities don't show that much on here
There actually personalities are watered down a lot more then intended/wanted
(Most the time especially in shipping it's almost mandatory to water down characters a little to fit, however it was much more then intended)

-setting- this is pretty self explanatory, but I would want to explain the actual plot
Maybe use more of what they say to each other instead of just saying it at the very beginning as well

-Ccino- I wish I made Ccino's depression more vibrant considering the was one of the main plot points of the actual story, but it didn't add it in much for whatever reason

-Nightmare- Another thing that was important to the story and I didn't try to write was Nightmare's toxicity
1 The whole point was that after Nightmare got so close to Ccino he tried to be a better person and try harder in there relationship and make him happy even if it ended of killing him in the process
2 He is a complete douche, (Nightmare is a terrible person in canon and I have a love-hate relationship with him because of all the stuff he's done) and because of that it should of been very apparent he was nothing but cruel to Ccino before and even a little into him finding out he had feeling for him

And that's it 😎 thank you for listening to my rant about this story
And although it's not promised I might make a rewrite in the future

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