{Chapter 5}

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Shh he's asleep

(Ccino POV)

It's dark. Pitch black even  I don't know what's happening, but it's scaring me.                                        It's very lonely, here no one really seems to be here but me actually...

I want to just go home now. I guess it's not too different once I think about it... being lonely there's not many people that I know of and even the people I do know I'm not to close anyways with                                                                                                                                                                                              Besides Nightmare...

I wish he was here he's comforting. I don't really know if he means it or not, but he is, very.

Ok.. can I please go back now? This is just getting unsettling...

Please I want to go back...


I'm scared..!   I'm sitting on the floor now curled up                                                                                               I hear footsteps and...

I wake up

It was a Nightmare...I guess it wasn't really as scary as most just really sad I guess. At least for me, I don't like being alone much it's less of a fear and more of discomfort that's one of the reasons why I like animals so much, to be honest, you don't really need to interact with them like people, but they are still there with you it's nice..                                                                                                 I need to calm down though I-

"You ok?" 

(Third Person View)

"You ok?"

"You're crying..."

"Oh! Nightmare, what are you doing here?" It didn't really shock Ccino that Nightmare was here he happened to be here a lot at night so asking that question was kinda dumb.

"You're crying."

"Oh, I guess it was just instinct it's not a big deal, don't worry"

...                                                                                                                                                                                                    "I just came because I felt your negativity."      It wasn't exactly stern when saying, but it came out as bland.

Ccino just nodded his head with no words

He did come as he wished. Maybe it wasn't at the moment he exactly wanted it to be, but he still came and that was enough for Ccino to be happy with.

Nightmare would come when Ccino had nightmares not to wake him up, but to feed off of his negativity. Since Ccino has problems with nightmares this happens a lot. It wasn't a big deal though it was what was expected when they became friends.

It became quiet and peaceful. The calmness was soothing and there was nice energy around them.


The silence was gone when Nightmare got up from the floor. He made a portal so he could leave, but before he did there was a tug on the back of his jacket  and he quickly turned his head around to see Ccino there before Nightmare could say anything                                                                    Ccino asked

"Could you not leave, please?"

"What?"  Nightmare sounded off when saying                                                                                                          Somehow sounded grumpy but still flustered. 

"Could you stay with me tonight you don't have to if you don't want to-" Ccino was cut off

"No, I'll stay.." 

"Really! ah, thank you Nightmare"

Nightmare didn't respond. Just sat on the floor again, next to the bed.

"You're an idiot."      

Ccino nodded quietly and laid his head back onto his pillow.

Before falling asleep he quietly said "Thank you Nightmare"                                                                            ...                                                                                                                                                                                                    "This means nothing..."

(Author)                                                                                                                                                                                      Hey again sorry for the short chapter again I wanted to do a nightmare chapter for Ccino since it has been confirmed that Ccino has a frequent nightmares and that Nightmare comes to feed off his negativity when he has them. I chose a dream where Ccino felt trapped in darkness because after my 5 minutes of research people who have nightmares where they feel trapped often feel insecure or unsafe I was trying to get off that he only feels really secure around Nightmare but for people who didn't see that I'm saying it now                                                                                                                                                                     

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