{Chapter 2}

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(Ccino POV)
                    Nightmare was behind him.
You could feel the negativity coming off of him as if it was more than just his aura but just his emotion in general, you could sense his stare sent daggers on the back of his looking down at him, which sent shivers down his spine feeling obvious intimidation from Nightmare. It cooled down all of a sudden when he started to turn around when his head was finally spun all around he saw Nightmare at a booth on the other side of the lady's staring, not at him but the poor girl who was quietly looking at the table. He looked back at the girl and said as politely as he could, but still having nervousness in his voice said "I'm sorry Miss, but I have to go" the lady responded with a quick nod as you could still tension in the cafe.

After that, I left for the kitchen again trying to calm down a bit. He knew that Nightmare would never physically hurt him, but it was obvious to him that he was upset that I was talking to someone maybe if he heard the whole conversation itself he wouldn't, but he seemed to only hear the last sentence the lady said or somewhat close to it. Maybe I must have been too excited to hear the bell ring when Nightmare opened the door to notice he walked in.

Ccino started to make Nightmare's coffee like always he had Nightmare's order down already considering he would come every day 'he never knew why Nightmare doesn't seem like the type to really like coffee all that well, I mean you can come to a coffee shop without liking coffee too much, but to come every day was kinda confusing for him, but you never know he never really bothered to ask so maybe he has a real reason'

As he was in his thoughts a cat came up and sat next to where he was making his coffee. When Ccino noticed his feline friend and started to pet him gently, finally feeling more at ease as his finger rubbed under the cat's chin his fluff was warm to fill the cold atmosphere.

(Third Person View)

Out of the kitchen however the atmosphere was cold not in a temperature way, but where you can feel emotions between characters.
Nightmare was staring intensely at the lady who didn't know why he was so upset about her question the visible confusion and discomfort in her face was there for everyone to notice as she was trying to drink her tea. Nightmare was staring at her still with daggers he wasn't really mad but annoyed not knowing the exact story and jumping to conclusions.

(Nightmares POV)

'What was she doing?!' 'Was she asking him on a date?' 'If so why did he look so happy?' These were all questions going through his mind at the moment. He was confused about why he would look so happy if she was asking him on a date it's not like he really cared too much about love, but was upset at the fact that someone was trying to take what was obviously his already. (Whether they knew that or not)He had no problem with calling him, his they made a deal (I explained that in my authors, not thing last chapter for anyone who is confused)
Using that as an excuse for his obvious jealousy.
He was upset at the fact that maybe if he hadn't had stepped in at the moment he did he might have agreed to go on a date with this random lady.
He hated this poor girl already
Head to toe.
And he barely even knew her besides that one sentence she said, but he hated her.

He could somehow ramble for hours if he wanted to on how much he hated her before he heard a door open

(Third Person View)

Ccino came out of the kitchen with two things a bill and a coffee on a small tray he had to not drop anything. He came to the lady first which both only exchange very little words as Ccino gave her the check.

Then he went to Nightmare he wasn't really too nervous, but he still was trying to be careful as said before Nightmare would probably never attack Ccino in a way, but he never liked the way he would look at him when he was upset about something it made him uncomfortable, to say the least, or worried. He set the coffee carefully on the coffee table when he did, Nightmare said something
"You're talking to me after your done I want to know what happened." It wasn't a question it was an order.
Ccino gave a quick response
"Ok, that's fine..."
He was about to start moving before Nightmare placed a tentacle on his forehead and gently rubbed it still not looking at him.
It wasn't too much of a surprise for Ccino sense Nightmare did it a lot he did it when he after agreed to something. It gave him comfort as a very sort purple hue came on his cheekbones before he left for the girl again.

(Ccinos POV)

I went to collect the girl's card I did so and came back about five minutes possibly
"Have a good day ma'am" I said
She responded with a thank you and quickly left.
It was about an hour since I came to work so more customers would come in soon.

'I wonder if Nightmare's still mad?'


I feel like I added too many details sometimes that was unnecessary so I'm going to keep that in mind for next time

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