{Chapter 7}

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(Ccino POV)
It was only a bit longer till it was time to close the cafe
About an hour.
By now Nightmare already left to get the rest of his work today all done.
I was washing up a bit before I heard a 'ding' from the door. I turned around and got slightly surprised to see the same lady from yesterday walk in, considering what happened the last the time she came I didn't think she would come again.
I zoned out for a second before I quickly said
"H-hi Miss how can I help you today?"

Lady's 'this'
"Hi I came back to talk about the interview I never got the chance to really ask anything about it. To be honest I didn't really know if I could"
the lady said the last part quieter with a chuckle

"O-oh yeah"
"One second please let me just write down the information for you. You can take a seat whatever you want"
I sounded cheerful from being so happy that she did actually come back. I went to a room to get some paper and writing it down
When I came back I gave it to her
"Can I have your name please Miss?"

"Of course! My name is 'Brooklyn William'."
"Do you have a time that we can schedule?"
She was very polite; her voice was very soothing.

"A-ah yeah, can you meet me on Monday at 1:30 p.m?"

"Yeah, that works for me!" Positive

"Also, I would like to apologize for yesterday by the way. You see the guy who was doing that was my friend.. boyfriend? Our relationship is kinda weird, but he basically got the wrong idea thinking that you were asking me out, I don't really know why he got so upset, b-but I would just like to apologize for that!"
I hope I didn't sound too nervous saying that I think I said my last words to loud

"Oh no! It's fine, truly, it wasn't a big deal"
I sighed a breath of relief
She got up to leave
"Well, I'll see you on Monday sir!"
I waved back at her when she waved away

I looked at the clock I have about thirty minutes left so I'll have to hurry to close the shop up.

Everything was all cleaned up and ready for me to leave.
It was 6 O'clock and I was walking home now
It would be nice to have another employee to help around plus I don't really have many people to talk to, actually...
So new opportunities! Yeah...
I think I have enough to pay her to since I get a decent amount of customers it would be sad if I had to not hire her because I didn't have enough to pay her for her shifts.
I'll check during the weekend to make sure
I don't want to do anything dumb.

I was at more door now I take a key out and unlock the door and come into my house.
It's kinda lonely here sometimes actually... I don't really have any others in my AU except me. (Meaning main cast of characters) Others I don't know much.
I would rather not be so lonely...
I guess that's why I made that deal with Nightmare though, to not be lonely still even with that he can't just be here twenty-four seven; he has a life too.

He kept to his word at least I can say that. Nightmare doesn't lie at all, to be honest, that's something I learned very fast he doesn't like liars and he doesn't lie.
He just says at the most part what he thinks and if he doesn't that just means he doesn't find it important to bring up
It's charming to know at least it makes me trust him with things...

(Third Person View)
Ccino took off his slippers and changed out of his uniform
He went to bed and fell asleep for the next day to arrive.

Hey this is just something quick, but Brook is not an Oc she simply just a character I needed in the story for it to carry on
She was originally just gonna be "the lady" but I changed my mind when I wanted Ccino to hire her
She really just here to start plot points and will mostly be in the background

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