{Chapter 4}

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(Third Person View)


"h-huh??" Ccino said, it wasn't unlike Nightmare to apologize for every once and a while but, in a moment like this it was just out of character

"I said, IM SORRY!" He said more aggressive wanting to get it over with.

"Hey it's fine you don't need to apologize it wasn't a big deal, you just got upset that's all!" Ccino tried to say comfortingly.

"...Is she still coming for the job?"

"I don't know.." ...

"Hey... you don't need to feel bad if the lady does come back you can just apologize and it will be fine," They said softly.

"I don't want to apologize to her. I feel no guilt for acting like that."

"Oh... then why are you still upset?"

Nightmare stayed quiet, why was he so upset about this? Why felt guilty but what for, he didn't feel guilty for acting like that he never would have in a situation like this so, why did he feel so guilty? The even better question was why he was still angry and letting people know.

Nightmare was indeed an angry person and kept grudges for long times, or at least not let it show so people know or at least not over petty things, why now

"Hey you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's ok." for some reason those words brought ease to Nightmare's mind.

They hung out a bit

(Nightmare's POV)

I hate everything

I hate feelings

and I hate that I brought myself into a situation I don't want to be in.
What am I even doing here?! I should just leave, so why do I not want to... It's not like I ever had a problem with it before! Why now
Out of all times to, this has to be the worst I could feel like this

This is pleasant actually sitting here, with nothing bothering happening, with Ccino here
I have to admit that he does bring me comfort, but we're not meant to be together. I'm just here to be here like I said I would, no feelings involved.
Ah, fuck it! Why don't I just leave?! I can go wherever I want it wouldn't be the first time I did-
But, I don't have a problem being here at the moment... I'll just stay then

(Third Person View)
It was silent
Finally, everyone's thoughts were at ease as the world was calm around them and a comfortable energy started to form.
Everything was at peace as the sun slowly went down witch alerted Cappuccino

"Hey, Nightmare?"
"..What?" He said in a grumpy tone
"Can I go back home now? It's getting dark"
Nightmare looked back at the sun and mumbled something
"Are you ok-" He was cut off a bit as Nightmare picked him up with his tentacles
"Let's go." He sounded disappointed.
Witch made Ccino feel just a bit guilty, but he knew it wasn't a big deal so it faded away.

Ccino was tired as he was finally at his doorstep and thank Nightmare as he walked to his room with him.

Ccino slowly fell asleep for the night and Nightmare could feed off of his dreams.

Hello, this is a shorter chapter then usual sorry about that school was getting in the way. The next chapter will hopefully be longer. Thank you all for reading my book so far

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