{Chapter 1}

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{Ccino POV}
When Ccino woke up he felt a bit of happiness knowing that Nightmare did actually come back to pick him up, but he quickly stopped thinking about it so he could get dressed. So he turned his alarm off and went to his closet to get his uniform out which was a beige turtle neck and a brown apron when he got his clothes he went to the bathroom and got changed. He made himself some breakfast, went out, and walked to work.

It was about a ten-minute walk to get there. When he got there he opened his store and changed the sign from close to open 'there was a quiet yawn that escaped Ccino's mouth' still being tired from waking up a bit ago. He went to make sure that everything was ok and fed all the cats in the café. As he was scrubbing the tables a customer walked in.

Ccino quickly greeted her and seated the man and went to another room to get a menu for the girl when he came back he put the menu down and the lady started talking to him "What's you name?" They said, Ccino didn't know if he should chat with her, but responded anyways trying to not be rude "My name is Ccino I'm the owner here" he responded.

"Can I order now if that's ok? I already know what I want" The woman questioned, "Sure what would you like to order?"
"I would like a mint tea please and that would be all, thank you" the woman responded "ok I'll be back in 5-10 minutes with your tea," Ccino said and walked off
He went to a small kitchen and prepared everything to make the tea he came back to give it to the woman, but she then tried to start some small talk.

"How long have you been working here?"
"About two years now, I work by myself tho so sometimes it gets kinda hard to do all the work"
"I've been looking lately for a job maybe I could join and help out a bit?" The lady said with a bit of a questioning tone in her voice
"Wait, Really? You'd do that" Ccino had a bit of excitement in his voice while saying that because he doesn't really have much help as he would prefer.
"Yeah really I've been looking for a job lately but haven't found a place yet and this seems like a place that would be nice to work at and all"
Ccino was now getting into the conversation unlike before feeling interested in what the lady had to say about this.
"Yeah you just need to make a meeting so we can meet at a time" Ccino responded with the same quiet but excited tone
The lady was replying "If it's ok can I have your number-"
The lady stopped talking as she saw someone behind Ccino

Ccino could feel the negativity coming off the person behind him.

It was Nighmare.

So here is the official first chapter of this book I'm going, to be honest, the prologue was only there to show the toxicity at the beginning of the relationship/ before Nightmare actually lives Ccino if anyone is confused why I made it this way that is because Ccino and Nightmare made a deal Ccino would have someone and Nightmare would feed off his negativity ( this is canon by the I have screenshots of anyone wants me to show them) I'm saying this to avoid any confusion in the future

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