{Chapter 8}

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Where am I..?
Oh, it's this place again..
Same old black room
Guess this is just a recurring dream; not a big deal. I'll just have to wait until I wake up and it's all over with...

I'm fine, it'll be ok...
No... it's not even if I know that I can wake up I don't feel all of a sudden ok...
*I feel shivers up my back*
I don't like this feeling at all
What happened again, actually..?

I can't remember from the top of my head..
I know that I was here... then I got scared and started crying... but what happened after..?

I hear foot steps
Ok this is where I should wake up right?
Why am I just sitting here..?!
I can't move...
*The footsteps were getting closer*
There getting closer than last time...
I here them only a foot behind me..

Please stop...

(Ccino POV)

I shot out of bed
Gosh... I feel my soul pounding
That was a lot scarier than last time and this time I actually knew I was dreaming...

Well I guess I can't focus on this forever I need to get started with my day already.
Looking to my side I feel like something is missing here...
Oh! Now I know
Nightmare's not here...

That's kinda strange...
When I have nightmares usually he's here
I guess it's not to big of a deal..
I'll just ask him when I see him again
I'll just ask him

I got out of my bed and did my usually routine like normal and then I remembered that I planned to go pond so I grabbed some breadcrumbs that I put in a small bag and stayed to head out the door.
I went down the steps on my porch and heard a grunt behind me.

(Third Person View)
Ccino turned around to see Nightmare standing next to his door witch he just walked out of.
"Oh,  I'm sorry Nightmare I didn't even see you there"
"Just be quiet." Nightmare said out of annoyance
Ccino nervous looked to the side before looking back up at Nightmare to ask something
"Why are you here, Nightmare?"
Nightmare looked at him for a second giving him a 'are you stupid' look before responding
"You invited me to come with you today."
"Oh no, I'm sorry Nightmare,I forgot that I invited you"
Nightmare looked at him a bit thinking of something before responding
"You don't always need to ask for forgiveness."
"Huh?" Ccino asked
"You always say I'm sorry, stop that. It's not a good look to say that constantly without reason." He said with a stale tone
Ccino looked at him and had showed a soft smile
"Thank you, Nightmare"
Nightmare looked at him at walked onto the sidewalk as he gestured with a tentacle for Ccino to start walking to.

They were now a few yards away from Ccino's house. Nightmare was being very blank with Ccino witch made the soft smile he had go away very quick.
When Nightmare noticed this his eyes went down a bit he didn't get why but it was lately where he didn't like to Ccino not smiling witch surprised him to say the least.

Nightmare noticing that of himself didn't come to see Ccino at his most recent nightmare. Yes, he did realize it sooner then yesterday but he didn't take it into account till then.

The walk didn't have much talk going for it at the moment until Nightmare asked something
"Where are we going?"
"Oh, I must have not told you have I"
"Were going to a bridge over a pond that I like to go to a lot"
Nightmare nodded at that
"Hey I have a question to actually" he said soft spoken
Nightmare looked down at him
"It's just... usually when I have nightmares your there when I wake up"
"I just wanted to know why you weren't there I guess"
When hearing this Nightmare kept quiet
"Come on, please tell me?"
"Of you don't shut up I'm going to strangle you"
Ccino got the hint and looked down it wasn't a big deal that Nightmare doesn't want to share everything with him. Any good friendship wouldn't try to pressure someone into saying something there not comfortable with.
He did wish though that Nightmare would be more honest with him not in the sense he lies, but in the since that he doesn't answer Ccino's questions as much anymore. When they first made the deal Nightmare would just tell him in general no matter how harsh it was, but until a few months ago he didn't answer even as much as he would of wanted him to.

They were getting further into the walk the closet they were getting to the bridge.

As they were finally there they stopped at about the middle of it . There were never many people in the area they were in.
Occasionally maybe a few groups would past by but the was about it.

Ccino grabbed the bag of breadcrumbs that he planned to feed to the ducks and threw them into the water; as he watched them hit it one by one.

Don't actually feed bread to ducks they'll stop learning how to get food themselves

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