{Chapter 6}

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When Ccino woke up he got ready for work like he does every mourning. When he came outside he saw Nightmare in front of his house and went up to him.
Sometimes it would happen where Nightmare would be waiting for Ccino out of his house.
Though Ccino never knew why he did, it was pleasant and he appreciated the gesture.
The started to walk on the sidewalk to the Cafe

"Hey, thank you for waiting for me again by the way. That was nice of you"

Nightmare just nodded his head

(Ccino POV)
It would be a little longer till we got there
About 5 more minutes.
It was nice of Nightmare to wait for me he probably did that because he stayed over last night
O-oh, I wonder if he slept ok he seemed to sleep on the floor. I should probably apologize for that actually
"H-hey Nightmare"


"Sorry, about last night I shouldn't have asked that of you all of a sudden"

"It's not a big deal. It doesn't mean anything"

"A-ah I know I just wanted to apologize for it. I felt kinda bad for it"
"Did you sleep ok? You slept on the floor"

"No, I didn't, I waited for you to sleep and left." He sounded kinda irritated maybe he didn't want me to talk about it anymore

"Oh ok well thank you for telling me" We kept on walking now.
I just smiled at him.

(Nightmare POV)
Nightmare was flustered that Ccino brought up but, he answered truthfully.
He didn't seem to mind though, which was good.
I guess it didn't really matter what he said
But I don't really want it hurt him anymore...

(Author here I meant mentally. He doesn't hit him just wanted to clear that up in case someone thought that)

It doesn't matter I have to leave in about an hour or two anyway to get my work done for the day.
He's really nice though I like his smile. I don't get how he can always be so nice it's stupid.

(Third Person View)
They were at the Cafe finally and Ccino opened the door to do his usual routine again
He switched the sign from closed to open and let his kitties out of the room to feed them like always.

Nightmare sat at his regular booth
The same one as the day before

Ccino peeked out the kitchen door to ask if Nightmare wanted the usual drink that he gets
Witch Nightmare just nodded yes to
Ccino went back in the kitchen and went out to hand it to Nightmare

He started to sip it
As Ccino asked a question

"Hey yesterday you stayed the whole day at the cafe I know you were upset about something but, don't you still have work?" Ccino asked out of curiosity

Nightmare made a monotone answer "The reason I was able to stay yesterday was that I was able to get my work done quickly before I came."

"Oh ok, do you ever take a day off"

"Not doing something makes me feel shitty." His voices sounded irritated yet flustered from imitating that

"So that's why... h-hey tomorrow I have work off do you want to go somewhere with me"
Before Nightmare could respond
"You're still doing something technically you don't always have to keep yourself busy with only work"
Nightmare didn't know how to argue back or even if he really wanted to if he could

"Maybe..." it has monotone
Ccino just smiled at him and went back to do the rest of his shift

Wanna Try (Ccino x Nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now