{Chapter 11}

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(Third Person View)

Small clashes of noises were happening under there feet as they walked on the sidewalk. A small walk it was ;where you know exactly where to go after you have walked that same way almost every day, for years.

Nightmare was shooting daggers at the back of Ccino's head as they were walking. He was trying to focus in a small pit of annoyance that he had seemed to fall in not to long ago. Nightmare didn't know why he was in this little fit of his at the moment, but he knew it was because of something he wanted to do. Something was bottling up inside of him.

Ccino looked back a few times to see Nightmare in a daze which he decided not to bother him in at the moment not trying to get him upset by accident. This was pleasant for Ccino he liked that Nightmare was trying to be better. However it bothered him that he didn't know who he was doing it for, for himself, or someone else.

Doing it for someone else bugged him, which Ccino didn't know why, but he had been growing more attached to him lately in the past month he liked that Nightmare was finally letting himself be happy. He just guessed that he might just not wanted to loose that and was afraid to not because he would change back, but because he might leave him.

At this point of time they both cared for another equally. They both wanted to be their for each other.

Nightmare drifted his eyes to Ccino's hand.
His fingers only slightly poked out of his sleeves, but still seeing the imprints of his hands in his jacket.
Nightmare walked a bit further to be standing next to Ccino and intertwined there fingers together.

Ccino looked at Nightmare with a flustered look on his, but Nightmare refused to look at his gaze and instead looking at the street next to the sidewalk. Ccino face turned to a smile as he looked down at his feet while they were walking. 'This was nice' was the only thought that went through his head as he started to feel butterflies in his stomach and the gently blush on his cheeks still their.

Nightmare slowly moved his eye-light to Ccino once again, once seeing his face moving his head as well. Seeing his smile made something in him flutter more as he felt light not wanting this moment to end. Nightmare started to focus onto his face more trying to take in every detail about it that he has been growing to love more every day.

There footsteps were able to be heard by all the silence that was happening right now. Ccino suddenly grabbed Nightmare's hand tighter. It startled Nightmare a bit to say the least;out of surprise.

"Are you ok...?"
Nightmare's voice sounded naturally annoyed despite being worried. Luckily, in this situation Ccino understood that he wasn't trying from the question given.

"Yeah... it's just the first time you held my hand that's all, I guess I'm just really happy..!"
Ccino's eyes had small tears in the corners of them as he looked at Nightmare to give him a smile. Nightmare stared at him fit a second before using his spare hand to try and get the tears out.

They stopped there feet as Nightmare did so. With leaning in he cupped the side of his cheek then looking into his eyes; they stayed like that for awhile until Nightmare dropped both of his and walked in front of Ccino.

"Let's go."
His voice was stern once again, but if you were in front of him you could tell that his face was flustered.

Ccino looked at him before doing a small gasp from letting the moment they had sink in, but he shook his head as he followed behind him.

It was an awkward silence now. They just had to walk past the corner and they would be at Ccino's house. Nightmare was quietly thinking to himself on what he was gonna do now. His face was lit up again upon the words in his head.

They walked up to the small house and Ccino took out his keys and unlocked the door.

"Well I guess I'll go now... bye, Nightmare see you tomorrow"

"Yeah... Ccino I need to tell you something real quick"

Ccino turned his head around expecting a question as he felt to hands on either sides of his shoulders and a tentacle on the side of his waist. Nightmare looked at him directly in the eyes before pressing his 'lips' against his gently.
Ccino was completely still as his face lit up.

Nightmare left.
Leaving Ccino in utter shock of what happened;he felt the butterflies get bigger as he felt a smile across his face appear.

Finally finished this part that I've been wanting to write for awhile now, your welcome by the way

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