{Chapter 10}

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One Month Later

(Third Person View)
It was one of those weeks when everybody would just suddenly come to the cafe without warning. This as usually would bring Ccino to over work himself. It was lucky that he hired someone very soon before this happened; it helped a lot around the area.

Drowsiness started to hit him a few days ago from this from trying to manage and keep everything together. He was used to having this happen every few months anyways so it wasn't the biggest deal for him or concern for him at this moment.

Something that did confuse him a bit however was that Nightmare was being a lot nicer for him then usually and not being as protective as usually. It's not like he is complaining, it was just out of character. It made him smile though knowing he's trying to be a better person. Ccino didn't know if it was something he had done or not, but that didn't bother him much either. He was just happy Nightmare was trying.

Their was another thing however on his mind and that was his reoccurring dream that he was constantly having. It was a little different now though. The steps would come to a stop at a certain point and just stay there. Then they would start moving again; everyday they would get a little bit closer then they would the precious one.

At this point he was used to this dream and it no-longer freaked him out. To a certain extent at least. The fact, that Nightmare didn't come to his house to drain his negativity anymore was still something he had unanswered, but that didn't matter to much to him. Ccino, just thought this might be part of him trying to be better.

As he thought that Nightmare finally walked in.
Ccino turned around and walked up to greet and brought him to a seat they had remaining in the cafe.

"Hey... are you ok?"Nightmare asked
This caught Ccino off guard for a second

"Yeah why do you ask?" His voice stuttered

"You have bags under your eyes; there're big to. Have you been overworking yourself again?" Nightmares voice was stern. He already knew the answer so asking was stupid, although his voice was dull he was worried. After coming to terms with how he feels Nightmare has been trying his best to make Ccino feel welcomed.

Ccino kept quiet having his head titled down a bit.
Nightmare let out a sigh
he patted Ccino's scull before sitting down.
Ccino getting what he was implying went to the back to start making Nightmare's and his other costumers orders.

When he came back he did the other tables first before coming to Nightmare's.
He put the the coffee down and as he heard a soft 'thank you' ;the words came out of Nightmare's mouth witch caught him off guard he wasn't exactly used to him being polite like that and hearing those words made him... happy. His face had a small purple blush in it before disappearing quickly.

Ccino turned his head around a bit and gave a light smile before responding with a cheerful 'your welcome!'

Ccino walked away to greet some other people that were walking in at the time as Brooklyn was cleaning some tables from costumers who had just left. Nightmare was looking at his cup and covering one of the sides of his face with his hand as blush was spread a cross his face from embarrassment.

Nightmare was always afraid people would end up seeing him as soft. It was something that would ache him constantly at times. His purpose was to make people fear, but now and in this situation only was he trying to loosen up those nerves he was hiding.

After he snapped out of his lost of thought he took a sip of the coffee. It was bitter with slight sweetness added to it which was the usual that he would always get in his routine. Somehow he could always find a way to fit going to the cafe into his schedule.

When he was finished he sat up and waved Ccino goodbye. However today he didn't have any work to do. He wasn't bothered by this in fact he was used to not doing anything for long periods of time; when coming to these circumstances Nightmare can be in fact a very patient person who if you didn't know him would be always calm.

He planned to sit on a nearby bench that was near the cafe where he could still see everyone coming in and out at the door. The bench was along a dirt path where people would come when they were having walks.

He planned to wait for Ccino's shift to end which it would in about 2 hours.

So he waited....

And when the time came Nightmare saw him come out after changing the sign. When Ccino saw Nightmare he walked up to out of surprise he was still there.

"Nightmare, what are you still doing here?" Ccino had his hand pushing his chin upward with four of his fingers as his voice was filled with pure curiosity.

"I'm going to- I mean... can I.. walk you home..?" Nightmare's voice was filled with embarrassment as his words got softer and softer as he carried on.
His head was tilted in the ground while and hand was on the back of his head avoiding eye contact.

This gleaned Ccino's eyes as his mouth was a little open to express surprise. None the less he said with a smile.
"Of course you can, Nightmare I don't mind"
It was calm and sweet sounding almost as if he was trying to comfort someone.

Nightmare mouthed 'thank you' to him. They both started walking to Ccino's house as Nightmare was still looking away form him.

Sorry that this took a bit longer I kept putting it off because school got in the way for a bit, but I hoped you like this

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