{Chapter 3}

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(Third Person View)

It wasn't as busy of a day as usual. This was normal for some days.
It was growing closer to the last hour of his shift today and soon he would have to talk to Nightmare it wasn't a big deal he just had to explain to Nightmare what happened and then it would be fine still, Ccino was kinda nervous it was like that feeling when having to explain to your parents that you weren't doing something bad they just took it as something else. Plus Ccino didn't know for sure what he was going to ask he knew it was about the girl and the last sentence so he had an idea but, considering he didn't hear much of the conversation it could be about something else.

It was closing time now and there was officially no one else in the cafe so Ccino got to closing it.
He put the cats away so they were safe,
turned the sign from open to close,
and locked the door.
When Ccino looked around he saw Nightmare there waiting for him.
Nightmare simply gestured to come with him
and Ccino followed.

(Ccino POV)
I was following Nightmare for a minute till we stopped. It was true that I was kinda nervous but, I guess I always am, to be honest. I wasn't worried just nervous I knew I could just explain whatever question he asks me but, I was still nervous.
Nightmare: Underline
Ccino: Normal
"Who was she?" Nightmare said in a stern voice
"I don't know who-" he was cut off
"Was she asking you on a date!?"
Ccino couldn't get a word in before Nightmare interrupted him again
"Why did she ask for your number!"
Ccino was now flustered Nightmare wasn't accusing him of anything nor was he even mad at him simply just mad at the situation and most likely the lady,
he was still angry about the situation at hand.
"N-Nightmare! She wanted a job interview she just wanted my number to help with the process. She wasn't asking me out or anything" Ccino was clearing up the misunderstanding. Ccino's voice was loud but soft when explaining still flustered about what Nightmare said.

(Third Person View)
Nightmare just stared at Ccino for a while before straightening up his posture although he didn't say it you could tell he was embarrassed.
Nightmare despite being a negative energy ball never really had loud outbursts like this he usually had a sickening smirk and said small sentences and if he did had an outburst of anger you wouldn't describe it like this.

He was confused even with himself why he did that, yes, his feeling for Ccino you could say are mixed or at least to him. He just started to stare at Ccino trying to figure it out for himself.

It would be scary for some considering Nightmare's resting b* face but, not for Ccino
He was used to it and could read his emotions very well he could tell he was confused just didn't know what about.

Ccino was blushing purple still flustered and was soon staring back at Nightmare. 'I probably sounded too nervous saying that witch made Nightmare think I was lied' Ccino was trying to think of something that might sound not as a lie.

While he was trying to think to not freak himself out Nightmare grabbed a tentacle on his waist and lifted him to about Nightmare's shoulder-length Ccino noticed when he was lifted up and calmed down a bit snapping out of his thoughts.

"You not gonna stop me are you..?"
"..." nothing came out of Nightmare's mouth

They came into a portal to some AU before sitting on a bench as Nightmare placed Ccino on the bench gently.


I'm still trying to figure out how to make characters talk since I can describe characters just fine but, I don't know how to make them talk so that's why I'm trying to write this in the first place practice

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