Chapter 16 - You want me to leave?

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The first person to panic was you, surprisingly. Your mouth dropped open in an 'O' and you whipped your head to George.

George and Nick were both looking at Clay.

"Uhh...I..." Clay panicked, retracting his arm from Nick, taking a quick step toward the girl taking the photos.

As soon as he got up to her, she slapped a hand over her eyes, holding Nick's phone out in front of her.

"I didn't see you. I promise. Holy shit," She sputtered out.

"Hey, it's fine," Clay said, chuckling nervously. "It happens,"

She shook her head, pushing the phone into Clay's hands. "It is not fine. You haven't done a face reveal yet. This is...illegal. I'm going to walk away now. Thank you. Have a good day. I love you."

Clay stared at her in shock as she walked away, bumping back into her friends, still covering her eyes.

Luckily, she did actually take a few good pictures before she ran away, realizing who she was looking at.

"Holy fuck," He said, joining the group again. Nick took back his phone, taking a peek at the photos. "I thought that those TikTok memes about fans pretending I don't have a face was a joke. I guess not."

"That makes...what? Four people that know what you look like?" George commented, laughing. "I think you're doing fine. That was the absolute best-case scenario of someone recognizing you."

You all chuckled nervously, already incredibly stressed out just from the one experience.

You all continued around the castle, making your way to FantasyLand, where Nick had requested to go first. The first thing you saw off the bridge was a giant carousel with flowers and bright green bushes surrounding it.

You followed around to the right and Nick dramatically halted.

"We get to meet the princesses..." He announced, turning toward the group.

"Which ones are in today?" Clay asked, squinting at the sign indicating the princesses on duty.

"It looks like..." George leaned forward, squinting as well.

"Rapunzel and Cinderella!" You shouted.

George and Nick hurried toward the line, but you and Clay weren't as quick.

"Tangled is my favorite," The blond said, smiling.

"Oh, you see yourself as the Flynn Rider type, then?" You asked.

"Oh, yeah. Smart, brave, sarcastic. You know."

"Are you saying that you don't relate to him on the arrogant, thief slash criminal side?"

"I am not a criminal, nor am I a thief," He gasped. "What is wrong with you?" He asked jokingly.

"So, you admit to being arrogant?" You quipped, following your brother. They were already in line.

"I-what? No! I am not arrogant," He defended.

You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Y/N, if I was arrogant, I'd be all over you right now. However, I have this little thing called self-control-"

"Self-control?" You laughed. "You?"

He nodded. "Yes, actually. A lot of it."

"That's surprising to me."

He rolled his eyes before joining the boys in line.

You met the princesses, whom all the boys fangirled over for a few minutes while you laughed at them. You had to convince yourself that Rapunzel wasn't flirting with Clay, and was actually just doing her job and being nice. Then you had to convince yourself that you didn't just get jealous...but that was harder somehow. You weren't jealous. Not at all.

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