Chapter 29 - Let them wonder.

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"I might just need a demonstration," You murmured, staring at his lips.

"That, I can provide." He smirked, leaning in. He left a bruising kiss on your lips, which you returned with just as much fervor.

When he pulled away, he tugged away the blanket that was dividing the two of you. Only the thin layers of your clothing separated your skin from his. You breathed out a slightly shaky breath, not used to the heat you felt all over. Your hands moved from where they were lying to rest against his bare chest. The muscles there were firm.

Clay left rough, wet kisses down your neck, starting right behind your ear. He stopped at your collarbone, where he bit lightly at the soft skin. His teeth were sharp and you gasped quietly.

He pulled away. "You okay?" Clay asked gently.

You nodded.

He smiled in return and continued the kiss. His hand, the one that wasn't supporting his weight, was traveling down your body, stopping at your hip, where he squeezed. You brought your arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss.

As much as you wanted to continue, an ache in your stomach made you pull your lips off of his. "D'you-" You started, but were cut off by Clay's lips pressing firmly against yours. You pulled back, as much as you could with him pinning you to his bed. "Do you want to get breakfast? I'm starving." You were beginning to regret not eating dinner last night, before going to bed.

"I'd rather stay here, honestly." He said.

"But I'm hungry,"

He held himself up on one arm, leaning over you. "What do you want to eat? I'll order it."

"No, no, no," You said. You pushed him off of you. "I told you before that I'm teaching you how to cook, and that still hasn't happened yet."

He groaned and flopped onto his side of the bed. "I don't want to learn how to cook, though," He whined.

"You are twenty one years old! You need to know how to cook something."

"I don't."

"Why? Because you're so rich that you can afford take-out for every meal? Or your mum brings you food every time you ask?"

He pursed his lips. "...yes."

"Clay, you're ridiculous."

"I don't see what's ridiculous about that."

"You're going to need to know how to take care of yourself eventually,"

"Please tell me when. Please."

"You're spoiled,"

"I'm not." He defended.

"Yes, you are."

Clay sighed and finally gave in. "Fine. Fine. What are we making today?"

You pulled him out of bed, after he put on a shirt, of course, and dragged him down the stairs to investigate the food situation. In the kitchen, you actually found food. When you noticed that it was stocked, you gasped.

"Yeah," Clay rolled his eyes. "My parents went shopping while we were in Clearwater. Per your request, of course."

You rifled through the cupboards and eventually found pancake mix. You asked Clay, who was awkwardly standing next to you, to find a bowl and a big spoon. After getting all of the ingredients out, you hopped onto the center island and sat, telling him what to do like you were Remi the rat.

Clay actually did very well! That is, until it got to the flipping part. You had to step in there, because the first ones were about to burn. After a couple, he took over and figured it out. Some didn't look...great...but he tried his best, and that's all that matters.

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