Chapter 12 - Don't make yourself miserable.

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"Are you serious?" George asked. His eyes showed no emotion, just confusion.

Clay pulled away immediately, removing his limbs from you and twisting his head toward the intruder in the doorway. "George-"

"I asked you both for one thing. One thing. And that was to not..." He clenched his teeth together. "Not...put me in this position."

You stood, unmoving from your position against the bookshelf. "I'm sorry, George." You stared at the floor.

George didn't seem to know what to do with his hands. He clenched them in fists at his sides, but let them go, saying softly, "You're my sister, Y/N. And he's my best friend. That-that's not something you just do."

Clay's eyes flicked from George back to you. His green eyes creased softly at you, wordlessly apologizing.

You were flustered and confused, and you really didn't want to deal with the situation. You pushed Clay away from you and maneuvered yourself around George, out of the room.

You ran down the stairs, but you could hear Clay saying something. Apologizing to George, maybe.

You ended up back in your room, frustratedly pacing around.

The one thing you were supposed to do on this trip was not engage with Clay like that. And you did it? What, did you think you were going to get away with it? For three weeks? No, it's not that easy.

Was it your fault?

Not entirely.

Thinking about it, it was Clay's, actually.

You tried so hard to avoid him; to avoid the temptation that came in the form of some tall, blond streamer that you couldn't get your mind off of. You were successful, up until the very second he put his lips on yours. After that, all bets were off.

You ignored his flirting; you pushed him away when he got too close to you; you told him that it wasn't the time; you told him that he wasn't allowed to make any moves; you made it clear that if George was involved, it was going to go south. Why didn't he listen? Why did he have to push you?

You dropped yourself onto the floor, sitting against your bed, staring at the ceiling fan. It was turning in slow circles, moving the stagnant air, thick air. You watched it rotate, trying to calm yourself.

You were embarrassed. You wished you hadn't kissed Clay at all. Anything to make the horror of your brother catching you mid-snog with his best friend disappear.

Your breathing was getting heavy. You took your hair out of the bun you'd put it in when you woke up and brushed it out with your fingers. Your hand blindly reached for your phone which was somewhere on the floor next to you. You pressed on the first short-cut as fast as you could.

The ringing ended as soon as it began.

"Hello, Y/N, how are you, darling?" Your mother's soft voice asked.

Your eyes were closed. "I'm doing-" You paused. You were about to lie. "I'm not doing very good. I think I might be having a panic attack right now."

"Honey, what's the matter? What happened? Is everything alright?"

"I messed something up. Now George is mad at me."

Your mom laughed through the phone. "I thought someone died or something actually bad happened. I'm sure he's not really mad at you."

"He's pissed. Royally. And I deserve it."

"Y/N, what happened?"

You hesitated, whispering, "I kissed Clay."

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