Chapter 6 - I, snacks?

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Clay was not allowed. According to George, he was absolutely, 100%, completely, not allowed. A bit dramatic, you thought, but it was your brother. He was allowed to be dramatic over you talking to boys, especially since this boy was his best friend.

You were sat, slouched in your seat, trying to get as far away from Clay's arm as you could without being weird about it.

Clay was oblivious to your attempts to get further away from him, and even dropped his arm from the couch a few feet to rest it on your shoulder. You jumped when his hand landed gently, and Patches stared up in annoyance. You apologized to her, stroking her soft fur. Clay's thumb began to rub soft circles on your shoulder and you shuddered. All of your senses were on high alert. Not allowed. Not allowed. Not allowed.

Your eyes flicked from the screen to Clay. "Whatcha doing?" You tried to say casually. It didn't work.

He took a sip of his drink, and said, "Are you cold still?"

"I'm alright now, actually."

Clay raised an amused eyebrow, but stayed focused on the movie. He didn't move his arm.

After a few stiff moments, you rolled your shoulders, making his arm fall down. He retracted his arm, putting it back on the couch above you. You breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed back in your seat, still aware of his close presence, but at least he wasn't touching you anymore.

Patches nuzzled her head into your thigh, making you chuckle softly. George forgot to tell you that Clay had a cat and you were loving the feline's affection.

"I hope you know," Clay started, amusement lining his features, "That if she goes missing in three weeks, I'm flying up to Europe myself."

"Are you insinuating that I'm going to steal Patches and fly back home with her?"


You rolled your eyes. "I would not."

"I see you making googly eyes at her. I'm just warning you."

Patches yawned stared up at you. You smiled, leaning down to touch your nose to hers.

Clay scoffed, but went back to the movie.

At that moment, you realized how tired you were. The jetlag was finally catching up, and barely halfway through the movie, you felt your eyes closing. You tried to keep them open, but they just wouldn't stay up. Even your head began to fall as you fell asleep a few times, but you cocked your head back up, determined to finish the movie.

It was only 10 p.m., you were disappointed in yourself for not being able to keep yourself up, but you were too tired to finish it. You set your coke down and resolved to stay awake.

As your eyes fluttered closed for the fifth or sixth time, you felt Clay tap you. You peered up at him, blinking several times.

"Hmm?" You mumbled.

Clay grinned a lopsided smile. "Both of you need to go to sleep. In an actual bed."

You waved your hand away at him, saying, "No, no. I'll make it. It's almost the end of the movie,"

He turned toward you. "You've been falling asleep for the last ten minutes. You're tired."

"No m'not," You mumbled.

"Y/N, you're literally falling asleep right now!"

"I'm not," You pushed against his chest lightly, but he didn't budge.

He chuckled in return and you saw him roll his eyes jokingly. "Alright. Fine. No bed for you."

You sighed contentedly and went back to your resting position. You did try to stay up and watch the rest of the movie, but you really couldn't help it. Pretty soon, you were asleep again.

Absolutely, 100%, completely, not allowed. (Dream x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now