Chapter 8 - I'm old enough to bang your mother.

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You were sitting in the back seat of Clay's car, right behind him, on your way home from the day's adventures. It was fun, visiting around and finding little things to do in town that weren't just Disney. The group was saving Disney World for when Nick arrived, so you could all go together.

Today, you just went around, did a bit of shopping and saw a lot of the generic sights.

George got recognized, understandably, but when someone came up to him excited, Clay would pull you aside and pretend you didn't know George. It worked quite effectively, because no one knew what either of you looked like, but it also left George to deal with the fans all on his own.

You got a lot of alone time to joke around with Clay while this was happening, as someone came up to George every 30 minutes or so. You'd just continue walking when someone came up to him, walking into the nearest store, or continuing until you got around a corner or to a bench, where you'd sit down with Clay and wait it out. No one suspected a thing. When you'd wait for the fan to leave, Clay would mostly just tease you about how you'd blush at everything he said, or how you got so distracted by the little bobbles in the stores.

There was too much walking today, and you all decided to go home early. The trip was fun, though, and you were glad you chose to come with. Mostly so that Clay didn't get an accidental face reveal while you were all out.

The sun was beginning to fall now, and you stared at the high rising buildings as the car rolled down the road. As the light from the sky faded, lights began to illuminate the city from the structures. All sorts of colors casted between buildings, and soon, everything was bright again.

The boys were talking about something boring-maybe what they'd stream when they got back. You listened lightly, not completely enveloped in the conversation, but tuned in only to listen to Clay's smooth and deep voice.

There was some unspoken tension between Clay and you. You weren't sure how it had led up to this, but it was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. You noticed that his eyes were always following you.

You felt a bit guilty; you were there for George, not Clay. But his constant gaze on you was driving you absolutely insane. Even while out shopping today, whenever George was distracted by something, Clay would do everything he could to make eye contact with you or move you lightly just as an excuse to touch you. It was making you go crazy. Even now, in the car, you felt his eyes occasionally peer at you in the rear-view mirror.

You were honestly glad to be back at the house, as him and George now had plans to stream. You knew that it would be a few hours of them distracted; enough to finally calm down.

Clay pulled into the driveway and opened your door, holding out a hand. If he was planning on helping you out of the car, you disappointed him by grabbing your bags from the day's shopping spree and placing them in his outstretched hand and hopping out yourself. He rolled his eyes and tilted his head back, laughing at you.

"Alright then," He muttered while chuckling.

You only spared him only a single glance as you walked inside. You left the bedroom door open on purpose after seeing Patches lying peacefully on the couch, hopeful that she'd come to snuggle. You jumped on your bed, grabbing your laptop, and started some homework. After a few minutes, you heard your phone ding with a notification. It was Twitch. George's Twitch, to be specific.

Your emotions got the better of you and you ended up clicking on the notification, opening the stream. You smiled at their introduction. The chat was frenzying at the fact that they were actually in the same room as each other, finally. It wasn't a lie this time.

~*Clay and George Perspective*~

George chuckled, watching the chat fly by. He had his set up on the desk in Clay's room, right next to Clay's setup. "Alright chat...I know I don't have my camera on. I know. I'm sorry." He peered over at Clay, who was right over his shoulder, waiting to make his introduction. "As I've been tweeting, I am currently in Florida, meeting Dream for the very first time. And he's actually sitting right next to me right now."

"Hi, guys!" Clay rang in loudly. "We're live! Together! Right now! Both of us! In the same room!"

"Which also means that today, I won't have my facecam on, unfortunately. Only I get the privilege of knowing what Dream's beautiful face looks like," George teased.

"Aww," Clay smiled. "Y'hear that, chat? I'm beautiful."

"Visiting America for the first time has been crazy. I met a few fans, saw a few things, and now we're streaming! So, it's time to get into some Minecraft at last."

"I haven't played in days," The blond admitted, adjusting the microphone that was set up between the two. "Too busy preparing the house and hanging out with you,"

They played on his SMP for a while, messing around, calling their other friends up, and generally causing a bit of chaos together. They added Sapnap to the call, laughing as he loudly joined the server, and then the call.

"Dream! George! I'm pissed off."

"Why?" George asked. "What's the matter?"

"You guys-you're hanging out without me! That's the matter!"

Clay rolled his eyes. "Sapnap, you get here in like three or four days."

"That's too long. I'm missing out on all the DreamTeam moments," Sapnap whined.

George leaned into his mic, whispering, "Can you tell he's the youngest?"

Sapnap's character punched George's in game. "Hey, I'm old enough to bang your mother, so shut the hell up, Gogy."

George fake-gagged and hit Sapnap with an enchanted Netherite axe, which prompted a fight to break out between the two.

"Hey, hey, no...boys. Boys. Calm down." Clay said, laughing. "Sapnap! George! Knock it off."

They joked around on stream for the next two hours, only stopping when it hit seven p.m. because Y/N had texted George, complaining that she was hungry.

The stream ended and George stood up to stretch. He fell onto Clay's bed, dropping his phone. "Hey, Dream-err, Clay..." George had to get used to switching back and forth, on and off-stream. He rarely ever called him Clay, and never did so online. On the few phone calls they'd had about serious topics, he'd call him by his real name. Now that he was in person, it was tough to get adjusted to the change.


"Food?" He asked.

Clay didn't respond. He was staring down at his phone, not moving from the desk.

Now, George wasn't one to get frustrated. Especially with his close friends, let alone his closest friend in the whole world. However, George was getting frustrated now. He could feel the tension between him and his sister for the last 24 hours. He had one eyebrow raised at the back of his friend's head. Clay had his phone in his hand, and he was smiling down at it. George had some suspicion that he was messaging Y/N, and not ordering DoorDash, like he'd been asked to do.

The brunet sighed. "Do I have to give you the exact same speech that I gave to Y/N on the plane?"

Clay's head whipped around, concern spreading across his features. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Y/N and you."

He looked down at his phone, which was indeed open to his messages with George's sister. "I'm confused,"

"She's not allowed. She's my sister, Clay! That's-I-come on, dude. My sister."

"You...talked to Y/N about me?" The blond asked softly.

"I said that you're off-limits. So is she. Just as I said to her, she is absolutely, 100%, completely, not allowed. I don't care if you have a little crush, that's fine, whatever. But keep it to yourself, please."

Clay sighed. "George, I-"

George interrupted him. "Please? Clay?"

Clay bit his lip, nodding. He didn't want to piss off his best friend...but the attraction was blinding. He couldn't stop thinking about her since the first time he spoke to her. Now that she was was even worse. So much more intense. He didn't know why, but his thoughts were constantly about her. Like her reaction when she was surprised about something he said or did. Like when she would drop her eyes to the floor if he stared at her too intensely. Like when she would straighten her back when he touched her.

"I'm just hoping that it wasn't a mistake, bringing her here."

Absolutely, 100%, completely, not allowed. (Dream x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now