Chapter 28 - There's sand in my bed.

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"Your turn," Clay said, passing the aux cord to George, sitting in the passenger seat next to him.

George plugged it into his phone and played something by Travis Scott that you didn't recognize.

You laughed at his selection, and he turned around at you.

"Your music isn't much better." He sassed back.

You stuck your tongue out and went back to your phone.

Nick was texting you, and had been the entire drive. You were halfway home from the beach, back to Orlando.

It was a good trip, as far as you were concerned. You went in completely unaware of what was going to happen in the four days you were there. It was stressful, yes, but you were used to that by now. If Clay knew how to do one thing, it was push your buttons.

Nick nudged you on the shoulder and leaned closer to you, gesturing to his phone. It was a Tweet that you giggled at. Something about Minecraft, of course.

You felt someone's eyes on you, but you ignored it as Nick opened up a 'memes' folder in his camera roll and began flipping through it, sharing them with you. You laughed along, head tilted to the side.

When George looked back to hand the aux cord to you, he glanced curiously for just a moment before looking back at Clay. You plugged it into your phone and played one of your favorite songs.

Before Nick could show you another meme, you sent him a game of 8 Ball and stared at him, waiting for him to notice.

He got the notification and slid over to your messages. He played back and grinned, sinking three balls in one round. He was stripes. You were solids. The smile was wiped off his face when you won, the next round, sinking every single solid ball.

He immediately sent a game back to you, a frown on his face.

You played back, and then he did. And then you did. When he responded, he missed his last shot. The black ball was the last one on the board. You aimed. It was an easy shot, but somehow, you missed it. You sighed and dropped your phone into your lap, annoyed at yourself.

Nick chuckled cockily and you watched over his shoulder as he shot the white ball toward the black ball. It hit it, and sank.

You breathed out and clicked the power button on your own phone, shutting it off. Nick shouted victoriously, pointing his phone in your face. You pushed it away in annoyance. Your dissatisfaction was short-lasted, however, because the cue ball sank in an opposite hole, losing the game for Nick.

You jumped up in your seat when you both noticed, whooping excitedly. You punched his shoulder lightly. "I won. You're a loser. Suck it."

Nick grumbled in response.

You sent back another game, but he ignored it purposely, not wanting to lose for the third time in a row.

The rest of the drive was spent switching between everyone's Spotifys. Nick continued to show you memes, grudgingly at first, still a bit bitter at his losses.

After another couple minutes, Nick looked at you conspiratorially and discreetly opened another folder in his camera roll. It was full of distorted and edited George memes. There were...hundreds...of pictures. You couldn't stop laughing at them. Some were cringy. Some were of his Minecraft character. Some were edited to look like Snapchats that George would never send.

You didn't realize how close you were to Nick until your eyes met with Clay's in the rearview mirror. You were shoulder to shoulder with him, eyes both locked on Nick's phone. You leaned back into your seat and pulled out your own phone, distracting yourself with something that wasn't a meme of your brother.

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