Chapter 3 - dream face reveal irl?

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It was the day before you were supposed to leave for America. It had been two weeks since the trip had been planned, and you hadn't thought about it once. Well, maybe that was a bit of a lie. It was hard to forget about, actually, since Dream kept texting you every other day. You responded to Dream's texts as they came in. When you told George about it, he just laughed. Over the last few weeks, you had tried to learn a bit about the streamers that George hung out with, but ended up in several rabbit holes. There was a lot of lore that you were missing.

You hadn't packed yet, waiting until the last minute of course. You lugged your laundry basket back to your bedroom, throwing the contents onto your bed. Putting your hands on your hips, you realized that it was time to get it done. After borrowing a suitcase from your mother, you filled it with as much as you could. George had scheduled three weeks in America. Three whole weeks, only with your brother and his best friend, in a terrifying country.

As much as that aspect alone terrified you, you were kind of excited. It was an adventure, at least. An experience?

Most of the contents in your suitcase included shorts, tank tops, and t-shirts. Apparently, Florida was a very warm place, and it was still early fall there, definitely not similar to the cold and rainy UK, most months out of the year.

The flight was leaving tomorrow morning at 10 a.m., lasting almost 14 hours, landing in Florida at about 6:45 p.m., after the time difference. Dream would pick you and George up from the airport and take you to his big, fancy house. How could a twenty one year old own his own house and have it paid off already?

George told you that you'd be staying in a hotel. A big, fancy, expensive one that would make this trip worth it. You were excited, up until the point he informed you that you'd actually be staying at Dream's house, in one of his several guest rooms.

You double checked your packing list, and then triple checked it. You were pretty sure that you had everything you'd need. You ate dinner with your parents and your brother, smiling into your spaghetti as George went on and on about how excited he was to finally meet Dream. You rolled your eyes, anticipating the next few weeks to be full of doing the same thing, over and over. Just rolling your eyes at George and Dream.

"Are you excited, Y/N?" Your dad asked, spinning his spaghetti on his fork.

You shrugged. "I'm looking forward to it, yeah."

Your mom raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound too thrilled."

"No, I am excited." You said, running a hand through your hair. "I'm 20; it's about time I go on some sort of life-altering exploration to find myself. You know?"

You were in bed before 8 that night. George asked that you'd be ready to head out by 7 a.m. the next morning, and you knew that you needed a lot of sleep. Not that you couldn't sleep on the plane, but you planned on finishing another paper and also catching up on your favorite show. You downloaded the episodes and all of the documents that you'd need in preparation for tomorrow.

As your parents drove you and George to the airport the next morning, you wrung your hands together nervously. This would also be your first flight. Your AirPods were charged and you had a blanket in hand, but music and soft things weren't going to provide enough comfort for you against the hours long flight.

You had grabbed a hoodie off of your pile of sweatshirts before you left. It was a cold morning to the airport, but you knew that it would be hot in America. The one you happened to pick up was the Dream hoodie you'd worn a few weeks ago. Truth be told, you'd worn it nearly everyday since then.

You were walking ahead of George, in quite a rush. The traffic had been quite bad and the goodbye from your parents took a lot longer than expected.

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