Chapter 32 - I'm in love with him.

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Unblinking, your eyes were focused on the screen of the laptop in front of you.

"Gamer posture much?" Clay teased. Your eyes snapped from the monitor to him and you awkwardly straightened your back.

"Shut up," You mumbled and pulled your chair up, adjusting it to the new position, posture a bit better.

It was Sunday now. You and Clay...forgot about putting your sheets in the laundry last night, so you ended up just sleeping in his room again.

He begged you to play Minecraft with him, which you weren't about to deny. You were sitting at Clay's desk in his room, while Nick was sitting on Clay's bed, eyes focused on his phone, and George was on the floor, legs crossed with Patches in his lap. He seemed very excited that the cat was finally paying attention to him.

You were playing on a quick realm he set up, just for the two of you, on his spare gaming laptop while he played on his PC next to you. You were advancing pretty quickly, which you were proud of. Of course, half of the iron in your inventory was provided by him.

You were in a mine, searching for diamonds. You were racing with Clay, and determined to find them first. He was strip mining, and you were in a cave at diamond level, so you had a better chance than him.

You hopped around quickly. Right as you were about to high-tail out of that cave system and look for another one, something glinted in the corner of your screen. You turned your character toward it and noticed that it wasn't diamonds, but an emerald ore.

You paused. Your eyes flickered to your right hand, where the beautiful emerald ring Clay had purchased for you in Clearwater sat, staring back at you. You hadn't taken it off since.

You mined the emerald quickly, and continued on your adventure.

Unfortunately, he did manage to find diamonds first, just seconds before you did. He exclaimed loudly as soon as he picked them up and the achievement appeared. You glared back at him.

"It's because you're a speedrunner-"

"It's because I'm better, actually," He countered.

You mocked him and rolled your eyes. "Whatever."

"Meet me at our base?" He asked. Said base was a small wooden shack in the middle of a plains biome. He wanted it to be made out of dirt, ever the interior designer, you thought, but he eventually compromised on wood.

You collected the diamonds you had found and got out of the dark cave, running quickly away from a skeleton who had just spawned next to you.

The entrance to the cave was pretty close to the base and you beat him there. You waited patiently, watching as his nametag approached closer and closer. His green character appeared just a moment later, holding the diamonds in his hands. He dropped them on your character and you laughed. You now had seven.

You decided to throw the emerald down in front of him, like a trade.

Clay paused, grin faltering.

"You found natural emeralds?" He asked.

"Mhm," You nodded. You shifted and punched his character.

George spoke up from his place on the floor. "Emerald ore is more rare than diamonds."

"Well, you gave me an emerald," You said, lifting your hand with the ring for a moment. "I thought I should give you one too."

Clay had said nothing since his first question. He was focused on his screen. You looked over and noticed he was just staring at the emerald in his inventory. There were several moments of silence before he said, "Thank you."

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