Chapter 10 - I'd take it.

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I may or may not have written chapters 8, 9, and 10 in the span of 12 hours. It is what it is. Please leave some comments with your thoughts! I always appreciate feedback :)


You extended your hand, holding him away at a distance. For your own sake, and for his. You shook your head, "Clay-"

His hand broke through the invisible wall you were desperately trying to keep up, and he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I told you that if I got the opportunity, I'd take it, Y/N."

Your eyes drifted down to his lips, which were looking quite kissable right now. You pushed his hand away. "Not the right time," You repeated.

He leaned in even further, breaking into your bubble once more. "Y/N, will you just let me kiss you?"

You didn't get to answer, because George walked back into the room, a smile on his face.

"Mum just wanted to say hi. Check up and all." He laughed. "She said she'd been trying to sleep, but couldn't until she talked to one of us."

"And you didn't let me talk to her?" You said, pouting, pulling away from Clay.

"She asked how you were. I said you were fine. You can call her tomorrow, she was tired."

You shrugged. Clay moved himself from his awkward position and situated himself back in his original spot. George sat back down, glancing quickly between the two of you. He had to know. He had to.

But he didn't say anything.

This Harry Potter movie was the longest of them all, at around three hours. The rest of the movie went peacefully, and yet again, George was asleep in the middle of it. This time, though, you were grateful to have him as a barrier. Something to keep some distance between you and the fucking Minecrafter that was about to make you break every rule you've ever set for yourself.

Don't like your brother's best friend.

Don't lie to your family.

Don't put your emotions before your priorities.

You had these rules, specifically the last one, in place so that you didn't get hurt or hurt anyone else. What was so tempting about Clay that was about to make you take all of that back? You never just put your morals on standby like you were this close to doing.

No boy had ever affected you like this. Not any of your exes. Not one crush. It was always you first. What the hell was happening?

The moment the movie was over, you ran. You don't think you'd ever ran that quickly when it wasn't for a sport. You left both a confused Clay and a grumpy George on the couch in your dust.

You needed to take a shower. Or just go to sleep. Mostly shower. A cold one, preferably.

You stripped your clothes off and turned on the running water.

You had to stop thinking about Clay. Even though you had gotten through the movie, you hadn't once taken your mind off him. The subtle glances that he got around George didn't go unnoticed by you. He even texted you at one point. You knew it was all on purpose. He was trying so hard to get a reaction out of you, but you wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

You played some music from your phone to distract yourself, but you noticed a text from Clay as you did so. You promptly ignored it. You got in the water, and turned it as cold as it could go. You soaked your hair under the cool water and washed yourself off, trying hard to keep your thoughts on anything except the tall blond who hadn't left your thoughts in weeks.

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