Chapter 24 - Let's start with "yes."

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*I told myself I was going to wait to post this chapter...but I'm a slut for validation and positive reinforcement, so here we go!*

Now, you looked great. That was obvious.

But you were surprised to see how good all of the boys looked. You were thoroughly impressed.

They were standing in the living room, all ready to go. George was wearing a light gray sweater over a button up, which peeked out of the top of the shirt. He had black jeans on, and unsurprisingly, his white Air Force 1's. He looked adorable. You rarely saw him dress up, especially after college, and never when he was at university.

He had a blue bow tie around his neck, untied, which you'd never seen him wear once in his life.

You walked over to him and began tying the bow tie immediately. It was the first thing that your eyes were drawn to when you entered the room.

You looped it and tied it neatly, smiling at your masterpiece.

"You look nice," You said earnestly.

"Thanks. You too."

You looked away from George, to Nick.

Nick was wearing a dark gray suit, and even paired it with a tie. It was dark red, and was lying slightly unevenly down his front.

You fixed it for him as well while he chuckled, and you smiled warmly. He looked great.

You dropped your chin a bit when your eyes got to Clay. His shoes were incredibly interesting, so you kept your eyes on them.

That was a lie. His shoes were shoes. Shoes were always boring.

Clay brought his hand up, nudging your chin just a bit. Your eyes locked onto his.

He looked handsome.

He wore black slacks, with a matching black jacket. He had a white button up on. When he dropped his hand from your chin, he put his hand in his pocket, exposing a pair of suspenders from under his jacket, which surprised you.

You had to admit, he looked extremely good.

Your eyes trailed from his suspenders, which were a dark green, down to your dress. It was the exact same color. That was odd.

"We're matching," You said suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at him.

He cocked his head to the side and his eyes followed the same path yours did, first at his own suspenders and then at your dress.

"We are," He nodded in confirmation.

"You look good as hell," Nick complimented, whistling.

You smiled at him and stuck your tongue out. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Clay squirm for a moment in his place.

George hit Nick on the shoulder. "Careful, Clay's gonna get jealous."

"Damn right." Clay said, which made you turn on your heel toward him, shooting a look of confusion at him, communicating 'shut up,' with your eyes.

"Are you ready, Y/N?" George asked, completely glossing over what Clay just said.

You had to mentally shake yourself back into real life. Someone had clearly taken over your brother.

"Yes-umm, I'm ready. Yeah. Let's go." You were still confused, walking out the door, and even more confused as you got in the elevator. The discomposure followed you down the street as well.

Who were these boys? They weren't...your boys anymore.

George was allowing Clay to flirt with you, vocally. And not even flinching or showing shock. Did he just randomly get over himself over-night?

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