Chapter 13 - Terra like terracotta

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Clay pulled away instantly, confusion crossing his face. He nodded. Did he think that you were just going to ignore everything that happened today? His fingers grazed your skin before he pulled away, turning and walking out of the room without a word.

You remembered the toast you had in the toaster, and shook yourself to snap back into reality. When you sat down at the table with your food, you found that you weren't hungry anymore. You took a bite but pushed your plate away in frustration. It just didn't seem appetizing anymore. Why was he making you feel like this? Why was he making it so hard?

You didn't see Clay for the rest of the day, until dinner. Tonight was pizza night. You'd all planned to watch the third Harry Potter movie, but it seemed unlikely that that was going to happen tonight.

You all sat around the table, silently eating. You still weren't hungry, but you'd barely eaten at all. You kept your eyes down, mostly at your phone, flipping between a text conversation with your mother and Tetris as you nibbled on a slice.

While Clay was doing exactly what you'd asked him to do, you were still nearly shaking in your seat. You avoided eye contact, not once looking at him except to thank him for dinner.

The rest of the day was silent.

You holed up in your room, focusing on your classes. Hours later, you finished with your last final, turning your assignment in and closed all seven tabs that contained the research for the paper at last. You sighed a breath of relief and closed the laptop. You fell back on the bed, arms stretched out, eyes closed.

A ping made you look up. Your phone, across the room, was lit up. You squinted at it in the dark room, but didn't make any effort to check it. It probably wasn't important.

You didn't know what time it was, but decided that it was time to finally sleep. Get him out of your head. Let all of the day's problems roll away, and disappear for good. Your eyes drifted shut for good about an hour later.

You woke up some time the next day, early in the morning. After your shower, you walked across the house in just your towel. The damn bathroom that you and George were sharing was nearly across the house, which you cursed at mentally.

Passing through the living room, you felt your face heat up as you noticed Clay was sitting on the couch, watching something on the TV. He didn't turn around, but his head cocked to one side, hearing your footsteps.

"Y/N?" He called out as you were almost out of the room.

Your feet faltered in front of you, stopping on their own accord. Damn it. He needed to stop taking advantage of the fact that you would do exactly what he said, no questions. You turned around slowly, crossing your arms over your chest, trying to cover yourself a bit more.

Looking at him, you realized that someone was sitting next to him, which made you jump a bit, even more embarrassment covering your face. She was a teenager, maybe 14 or 15 years old, with dirty blonde hair, similar to Clay's. She had a smirk on her face, sitting on the opposite couch, staring right at you.

"Hi," You babbled, face bright red to be caught in your towel.

"Y/N, this is my sister," Clay said, still not looking over his shoulder at you.

"I'm Terra." The girl said, smiling warmly at you.

(This is the only A/N I will include...we had a joke in the Discord chat that Clay's siblings were also named after pottery things...Terra like terracotta...anyways, I will not be apologizing-I really didn't want to leave her nameless or call her Drista...)

"Nice to meet you!" You began, uncomfortably standing in the middle of the hallway in nothing but the towel. "I didn't know you'd have family over today,"

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