Chapter 14 - Get. That. Dick.

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It felt strange to be on the receiving end at the airport, waiting to pick someone up.

You, Clay, George, and Terra were standing in the same place in the Orlando airport that Clay had been when he picked you and your brother up.

Now, you weren't too familiar with Nick, so when some normal-looking guy screamed at the top of his lungs from the security exit, you were a bit stunned. You'd stared at him for a moment, but your eyes went past him. He looked too...normal.

"BOYS!" Nick shouted, dropping his suitcase and running to the group.

He embraced George and Clay at the same time in a giant hug. They held each other there for a whole minute, while you and Terra just rolled your eyes and laughed at them.

"Are you ready to deal with...that...for a whole week?" Terra asked, peering at you over her shoulder.

"Not at all," You admitted. You were nervous. The tension between Clay and you continued from the house, to the car, to the awkward conversations that he tried to hold because he's not good at sitting in silence, to the even more awkward questions that Terra asked (quite bluntly, might you add), to arriving at the airport.

George was walking ahead, deep in a conversation with Terra about Tommy, while Clay stayed back with you. He tried to put an arm around your back as you complained about the last final you'd taken the night before, but he removed it when you gave him a dirty look.

"Sapnap!" George exclaimed, pulling away from him.

"George! Dream!" Nick gasped. "I am taller than you, idiot!" He said to George, who scoffed and lightly smacked his friend on the shoulder.

They were all chattering with excitement, but you reminded them not to stay for too long. Just in case. George and Nick were bound to get recognized after too long, so it was best to get going as soon as possible.

Nick grabbed his suitcase from where he had dropped it and you all walked out of the airport together.

Nick held out a hand to you and you shook it, smiling widely at him.

He had a kind face. "Nice to meet you. You're George's sister, right?"

"That I am," You confirmed, dropping his hand.

He leaned closer to you, whispering conspiratorially at you, "Do you have any tea?"

"What?" You asked, confused.

"Any George-tea? Blackmail, anything? You know,"

You laughed. "Let me get back to you on that, I'll have to think about it."

He sent a knowing glance back and cocked his head up. "Alright, alright. We're bros now, by the way."

You laughed at him. You could already tell that he was going to help ease the tension everyone felt regarding the whole you-and-Clay situation. Or at least be a distraction for both George and Clay.

Back in Clay's car, you were stuck in the back seat between George and Nick. George still wasn't talking to you, and it was awkward with him trying to converse with Nick, who was across you. Terra was in the front seat in the midst of a conversation with her brother, exclaiming loudly about something related to her classes.

Clay's parents lived a few blocks away from him, so he dropped his sister off quickly before taking the rest of you home.

Clay let Nick settle into the bedroom at the end of the hall between yours and George's. He quite literally threw his stuff in the room and joined the boys and you back in the hallway, where Clay began the tour.

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