One big mess

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"Betsy are you okay? You haven't said a word the whole walk home? Connor said to me, I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Can you promise me something Connor?" I said, I could barely look at him.


"Please don't tell Brad, I need to get my head around this first, just give me time. Please"

"Ok, but you do need to speak to him Betsy, he has the right to know" Connor said as we reached the apartment door. He pulled me into a hug before opening the door.

"Con can you get James for me? Brads still at the studio and I need my brother" I asked him throwing myself onto my bed and burring my head in my pillow.

"Yeah sure, but remember you need to talk to Brad at some point" Connor said before leaving the apartment and heading for James's.

What a mess. I'm a 18 year old girl Who works in Starbucks and I managed to get myself knocked up. What if Brad leaves me because I wouldn't blame him. His career is just lifting off, his album is out soon. I doubt he'd want to have a child right now. And what is James going to think? And mum and Dad. How am I going to be able to afford to bring up a child?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the front door closing.

"Betsy?" James's head popped out from being the door leading to the living room.

"Everything okay? Connor said you wanted to speak to me. Has Brad done something to upset you? I swear to god if he has I'll.."

"Brad hasn't done anything wrong" I cut him off which shocked him slightly.

He came and sat on the couch next to me and rapped his arm around me, pulling me into him.

"Then what is it B? Why are you so upset?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

I couldn't hold the tears in any longer and the slowing started to fall.

"James.. I'm.. I'm..

James I'm pregnant"

He didn't respond. He just hugged my tighter and I let the tears fall.

"Betsy does erm.. Does Brad know?" James said looking down on me, still hugging me.

" I've just got back from the doctors and Connor came and he knows but I don't know how I'm going to tell Brad because what if he leaves and I can't go through this on my own because I.."

"Betsy you won't be on your own through this, mum and dad are home, you have me, you have P and Charlie and Mikey. So even if Brad did leave, which I doubt would happen, you won't be on your own. I won't let that happen. You're my baby sister and it's my job to look after you"

I sat there and sobbed into his chest for a good 15 minutes before my phone vibrated in my pocket.

One message from Brad - hey, hope everything went well at the doctors. I should be home in about 15 minutes so when I get home we can watch prison break and eat ice cream if you like. Love you x x x

I quickly put my phone back into my pocket and stood up, grabbing my coat and bag.

"Betsy where are you going?" James said standing up next to me.

"Brads coming home and I can't face him yet, tell him I've gone to Alex's I'll be back later. Please don't tell him anything. Love you"
I quickly ran out of the door before James could stop me. The last person in the world I want to speak to right now is Brad. I know I'll have to soon enough because, well I live with him. But. Oh yet.

I found myself walked down the main road not even knowing where I was going.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Alex's number. It rang a few times before he finally picked up.

"Hey" Alex's voice spoke through my phone.

"Alex are you at home?"

"Yeah why? Is everything ok?"

"Not really, I just need a friend and Parisa isn't coming until tomorrow, can I come round?"
I was only round the corner from his apartment so it wouldn't take long for my to get there.

"Of corse you can, I'll be waiting. I think I have ice cream and I'm sure I have ago of film"

"Thank you,it means allot. I won't be long" I put the phone down and sliding it back into my pocket Before putting my hood up and speed walking towards his apartment block.

When I reaches his door I debated turning around and going home. Con and James already know shouldn't I tell Brad before I tell anybody else? But before I could make my decision Alex's door swung open and there stood a concerned looking Alex.

"Betsy have you been crying? What's wrong?" Alex said as he pulled me into a tight hug and then into his apartment.
"Has Brad upset you?" He asked and I sat on his couch.

"It's not Brad. Well it is Brad but that's not why I've been crying. It's just a mess Alex, everything is a mess and I don't know if I can fix it" my head was now in my hands and Alex was rubbing my back.

"I'm sure it isn't that bad Betsy, you and Brad are strong and whatever you have done or he has done I'm sure you can get through it"

"I'm not ..sure ..Brad will ..want to" I managed to stutter out seen as at this point I was in tears again.

"Betsy what would make you think that?" Alex said pulling my head up out of my hands and making my face him.
I just looked at him for a few seconds debating on what I was going to say next.

"Alex I'm pregnant"

He gave me the same reaction James did, silence. He looked down at the floor for a few seconds and I through myself back on the couch and brought my knees up to my chest.

"Betsy you'll get through his, you have me, Parisa, the boys even if Brad doesn't accept this. I know you said you wanted a friend right now and that means I have to distract you for a few hours. But you have to speak to Brad when you get home. I'm going to go into the kitchen and get some ice cream and when I come back I want to see a smile on your face" Alex laughed which did make me laugh before he disappeared out of the room and I grabbed the blanket out of the corner.

Just as I was about to get snuggled up my phone started to vibrate again. I pulled it out of my back pocket to see brads name lit up on my screen. I quickly put the phone down before putting my phone on he table. It instantly started to vibrate again so I put it down and turned it off. I want to forget about the mess I'm in right now.


Not long left until the end of the book 🙈I've decided I'll write a sequel because of the lovely feedback I've got. Thankyou for being amazing x x x x

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