I love you

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I'd been at Parisa's apartment for about a week now. I hadn't spoken to Brad other then a short text I sent letting him no that I was okay and needed some space.

P had been amazing, she's really looked after me and I'm so grateful to have her as my best friend.
I rang my mum last night and explained the whole situation and she was over the moon. Slightly worried but extremely happy for me.

Apparently there is a job going in the office that P's dad works in and he said he'll put in a good word for me, it's really good money too.

Connor text me yesterday telling me that he'll forget he ever knew about the pregnancy and he won't tell Brad.

I know you must think I'm horrible not telling him but he has his whole career ahead of him and I'm not going to be the one who ruins it.
The album is out in a month and James sent me a copy home with Parisa. It really is amazing.

"Betsy I'm going to nip out to the shops, I won't be long. Remember what I told you to do!" Parisa shouted from the door.

"I will, have fun! I replied.

She's right. I need to speak to Brad sooner or later. I can't just ignore him for the rest of my life.

I got out of bed and picked my laptop up from on the side and logged into Skype. Surprisingly Brad was actually online.
I hesitated for a few minutes before finally pressing call.

It didn't take long for him to pick up and he's face suddenly appeared on my screen. I didn't know what to say, I just froze.

"Erm hey Betsy" Brad said looking slightly worried.

"Hi" I stuttered out.

"Are you okay? Is everything okay?" Brad asked concerned.

"I'm fine I'm fine, it's just seeing you again, I'm fine" I replied, playing with my fingers.

"It's good to speak to you" Brad said , obviously trying to break the ice.

"Yeah, erm how have you been?" I asked him.

"Not good if I'm honest with you. I haven't slept. I haven't been in the studio" he sighed.

"I've been sat in Parisa's couch watching prison break and eating cookie dough ice cream" I gave him a weak smile.

"Now that doesn't surprise me at all" he laughed.

"So erm I called to tell you I have a good job interview here tomorrow, good money and I have a good chance of getting the job" I looked down ago my hands again.

"That's good, so you really are staying?" Brad sounded disappointed.

"Yeah. It's better for the both of us right now. I need a stable place to be, a stable life. It would take months to be able to trust you again. I think it's better for the both of us if we call it a day" I finally looked up at the camera to see Brads face with tears slowly running down his cheeks.

"Is there anything I can say that would change your mind?" He asked, almost sounding desperate but know hope in his voice.

"No Brad, you go live your dream. I don't want to be the one holding you back. Who knows, one day in the future maybe. But not right now." I too started to cry now.

"I'll wait you know. I won't give up"

"No. Please promise me that you will move on, that you will find somebody that makes you happy Bradley"i protested.

"but you make me happy, I've already found that person" I couldn't look at the screen because if I did, I know I wouldn't be able to go through with this.

"Bradley please don't do that" I slightly snapped.

"Do what?" He asked

"You know what I mean, this" I pointed to him through the laptop.

"Try and make me change my mind. I need to do what's best for me right now and that's staying with Parisa I think"

"You think? What do you mean by that?" He looked slightly puzzled.

"I didn't mean anything by it, I just meant it's what I want to do and I think it's best for me" I snapped instantly regretting it.

"Jeez Betsy I was only asking, no need to bite my head off"

"I'm sorry. See we always get into arguments or moods with each other" I sighed.

"I need to go, we have a meeting about the America tour with Austin mahone. Did James tell you about that?" Brad said and I felt slightly disappointed at the fact he had to go.

"Yeah he did, have fun. I'm sure I'll see you soon or something" I gave him a weak smile which he returned.

"I love you Betsy" Brad almost whispered.

"I love you too"

And with that Brads face disappeared off of my screen. That was really it. Bradley was no longer my boyfriend and I no longer lived in London. It's going to be so hard going through this on my own, well without Brad. But I can do it right? From now on my top priority is my baby and I'll do anything and everything to make sure they live in a safe and stable environment. Who knows, maybe Brad will come back into my life in the future, I really hope so. Hey, everything happens for a reason right?


So that is it, the end of Expect The Unexpected. Thankyou to everybody that has read it, voted / commented it means allot. I shall right a sequel to the book like I said I would, I'm not sure when it will be up but it shouldn't be long. Thankyou again for everything ily x x x

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