I'll get that

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Today is the day that i officially move to London. most of my stuff is already there but today is the day that i finally get to move. Brad got me an interview in the local Starbucks because he said he saw an opening for Maneger and well thats better pay.

Id just gotten off of the train and that had somehow come into the station 15 minutes early so i decided to grab a hot chocolate before waiting for Brad.

things had been different since that phone call, Brad had been texting me almost 24/7 to make sure that im ok and he has been constantly telling me that he loves me. I think he thinks that im going to do it again but i wont. saying that was probably one of the stupidest things that ive ever done and i dont plan on doing it again anytime soon.

I pulled my purse out of my bag ready to pay for my drink when an unfamiliar voice spoke from behind me.

"ill get that for you"

i spun around to see a gorgeous looking boy, tall, quite light hair, amazing cheek bones.

"no its fine you dont have to"

"cant i buy a beautiful girl a drink?" he smirked on one side off his mouth.

"honestly, thankyou but i have a boyfriend"

"and i was only asking to buy you a drink"

I gave in and allowed him to pay for my drink and he came ans sat with me in the small cafe.
We chatted for a while, I told him about Brad and how I was moving to London. He told me he'd only just moved down here and so he didn't really know anybody. He seemed lovely.
It didn't seem like we were talking for that long but before I knew it 20 minutes had past. Just as he was putting his number into my phone I spotted a familiar face looking around the station.

"Brad!" I shouted over to him and his head spun and our eyes locked.
I stood up from my seat and quickly walked over to him and he headed in my direction.
He pulled my into his arms and slightly off the ground before he pressed his lips on mine.

"I misses you so much Betsy"
"I suppose I missed you a little too" I smirked and Brad frowned at me before laughing.
He takes my hand and we walk back over to where my bag and Alex are.
"Brad this is Alex, Alex this is my boyfriend Brad"
Alex shook brads hand before we all sat back down around the table.

"So how do you two no each other?" Brad asked as he placed his hand on my thigh.
"The train got into the station early so I came for a drink and Amex was behind my in the line. You know he's just moved to London too?"

"Oh right cool"


Why the fuck is this random boy sat with m girlfriend using her phone. I'm presuming he's giving her his number. I know I probably sound extremely jealous but have you seen this guy? He's got cheekbones as good as Tristan's, now that's good cheek bones. He looks like he has to be some kind of model, way more suited for Betsy then me. He obviously has a thing for her because he's looking at her like she's £10000.
But she's mine.
Not his and I won't let him have her because that would completely crush me.
To be honest I don't even think she wants the relationship half as much as I do. She basically said so herself last week.
But I love her and I'm going to keep fighting for her.

"Brad are you okay?" Betsy snapped me out of my thoughts as she placed her hand on top of mine on her thigh.
"Yes..yeah I'm fine. Shouldn't we be getting home? I'm starving"
"Well there's a surprise, but yeah I'm really tired"
She stood up and held her hand out which a took before grabbing her bag.

"It was lovely meeting you, we should do this again sometime?" Betsy said to Alex I think his name was.
"Yeah of corse, I'll text you" Betsy smile at him before we headed towards the carpark.

Brad seemed a bit on edge during the journey home, but he did say he had some big news to tell when we got back. I could tell he didn't like Alex but he can't expect me to have no other boy mates can he? I love all four of the boys but I need friends outside of them too.
I know what I said to Brad last week was a mistake and it never should have even crossed my mind. I need to make him know that I really love him because I don't think he actually believes me when I tell him anymore.

I have a good feeling about the future for once, just as long as I don't mess things up with Brad.


Short filter chapter sorry it's rubbish.

Thankyou for reading, it would mean allot for you to comment and vote👀

Jodie xx

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