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Brads POV

It's been two hours and Betsy still hasn't picked up. James said she just left because she wanted some fresh air so she walked to Alex's but that was two hours ago. Why is she even at his? James and Connor are both being distant from me. Have I don't something wrong? She knows I don't like him despite her telling me it was as misunderstanding. I'm going to go to his apartment and make sure she's okay, to make sure he isn't trying it on with my girlfriend again.

"James I'm going to find Betsy" I shouted into the living room where all three boys were sat before heading for the door.

"No Brad don't! leave her she doesn't want to talk right now!" James shouted running towards the door before I could open it.
"What do you mean she doesn't want to talk?" I asked completely confused. This morning everything was fine.

"I just mean.. Erm she wants some space to herself you know. She's constantly around us all." James stuttered slightly.
"Why do I feel like everybody is lying to me? Hiding something?" I asked, still trying to get the door open.

"Brad nothing's going on, just please leave her she'll be home soon. You can't go running after her every time she leaves the apartment without you" James snapped.
"Well I'm going to the pub then, that's where I'll be if she shows up" I pushed james out of the way and walked out of the apartment.

I didn't know exactly where I was going but before I knew it I was walking into the local bar. I tried to ring Betsy once last time but it went strait to voicemail so I turned my phone off and ordered myself a drink. And another and another.

The girl across the bar was staring at my for a good half an hour. She's quite pretty. But I have Betsy. My girlfriend who is ignoring my phone calls and is currently with boy that tried to kiss her. Speaking to this girl across the bar doesn't seem like such a bad idea anymore. Before I could make my decision my feet were already walking in her direction.

Betsy's POV

I didn't realise how late it was until I turned my phone back on. 12 miss calls from Brad. Shit. I'd better get home before he gets worried. I feel so much better now that I have gotten everything out of my system. Im ready to face Brad and hope that we can do this together because I don't think I can do it on my own.

I thanked and said goodbye to alex before making the short journey home.

"Hello?" I shouted as I opened the apartment door.

"Betsy! Jeez please don't do that again. You had us all worried sick. Have you been at Alex's all this time? You could have called!" James said shooting up from the couch and to the living room door.

"Sorry, I'm fine. Im feeling allot better now. I've thought things though. Where's Brad?" I asked walking into the living room noticing that only 3 out of the 4 boys were there.

"Your guess is as good as mine" Tris said still focused on the TV.

"What do you mean?" I asked him and he turned to face me.

"Well he got pissed that you didn't answer and you were at Alex's so he just left and said he was going to go to the pub about an hour ago and that's the last we heard of him" tris replied.

I instantly pulled my phone out of my pocket and soaked brads number.


Great just what I wanted to hear.

"I'm going to go and look for him, he can't have gotten far" I said heading for the door again.

"Don't go to far betsy, stay safe and don't do anything stupid!" James shouted as i left the apartment.

Right there are 2 local bars in walking distance of the apartment block. One of them is around the corner and the other is at the other end of the main road so I'll try the one on the corner first.
I hope he hadn't done anything stupid. Brads never good at answering his phone but he never turns it off.
I hope he isn't too pissed I was at Alex's and I hope he isn't drunk because that's the last thing I want to be dealing with right now, a drunk boyfriend.

I didn't take long for me to reach the bar. As I walked in a scanned the crown for brads familiar face but I couldn't see him anywhere. I walked over to the bar about to ask if the bar man had seen him when something in the corner caught me eye. No


He promised.
He promised he wasn't that boy anymore.

There at the other end of the bar was Brad, sat on a bar stool with some hoe on his lap kissing him. And I mean kissing him.

I slowly walked closer to make sure that it was him and the arm of bracelets confirmed it for me.

I took one step closer before finally opening my mouth.


So I think I have about 3 chapters left of this book which is crazy because it doesn't feel like I've written 31 chapters already.
Comments / votes are really appreciated and the motivated me to update.
Thankyou for reading x

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