What did you just say?

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"So what's the plan today? I'm not sitting around all day again" I said as I walked out of Brads bathroom.

"But I like lying in bed and doing Nothingggg" he moaned like a five year old.
"Well that's all we have done for the last 2 days so today we are going out"

He sat up in his bed and patted the space next to him so I sat down.

"Well what then? We could go to the cinemas and out for food? We haven't really had a second date have we."

I couldn't help but smile I must admit. It was really thoughtful of him. Why does he have such a big affect on me?!

"Betsy? We don't have to if you don't want it was just a thought" he looked down and started playing with his hands.

"No no Id love to you jus caught me off guard, I was expecting you to put up a bigger fight about going" I smiled and Brads face lit up as he took hold of my hand as started to fiddle with my fingers.
"So it's a date?"
"It's a date, now go and get changed!"

He softly kissed my lips before getting out of the bed and towards his wardrobe. As he removed his Top I couldn't help but stare. God that boy will be the death of me.

"Like what you see?" Brad smirked and slightly made me jump.
"What I was daydreaming sorry didn't eve notice you move from the bed" great coverup Betsy. Great.
Brad walked over towards the bed, by now he just had his skinny jeans on.

I sat on the edge of the bed ready to put my shoes on when Brad towered over me looking strait into my eyes.
He smiled before leaning in and placing his lips on mine. The kiss was passionate and it didn't take long for his hands to travel around my waist and I ran mine through his hair.

His hands traveling underneath me top and towards my chest. He's started to leave sloppy kisses down my neck causing a few moans to escape my mouth.

Brad pulled away and I looked at him confused.
"And that Besty-Blue is all you are getting"
He smirked and walked back over the his wardrobe leaving me speechless.

"So what are we watching then?" I asked as we stood at the ticket stand looking at the films that are playing.
Brad came up behind me and put his arms around my waist, pulling me into him and placing his head on my shoulder.
"Monsters university"
"Fine but I'm picking what goes in the pick and mix" I ran towards the sweets and Brad got the tickets.
"I want these Blue and Pink bottle things!" Brad shouted.

This film went pretty fast, it wasn't the best film but I could tell Brad was enjoying it so I sat there silently laughing at him for most of it. Brad kept his hand in my thigh throughout the whole film which was really sweet.

We decided that we wanted to go nandos, no surprise there.
"So when are you going home?"
"I'm not sure to be honest, I have two weeks off work but I have some YouTube videos to edit and all that so I'll probably go back a few days before that"
I didn't want to go home, but it's been so long since we'd posted any covers and we recorded a few when the boys were home.
"Oh okay.
James said that your parents are away for Christmas. So what are you doing?"

"I don't really know to be honest. Il just have to sort it out with James I suppose "
I haven't even thought about what I was going to to for Christmas. James probably wants to spend it with P which I completely understand. So l probably end up on my own or third wheeling them.

"What sorry I wasn't listening?"

"Why don't you come up to Birmingham. I mean you don't have to but mum really wants to meet you."
He looked down as if he was nervous or something.

"I don't know, I mean I'd love to but I'll have to speak to James first, maybe"I smiled at him seen as he still looked pretty nervous, I don't know why though.

"Okay, well we should probably be getting back anyway." He stood up and held his hand out, which I took, and I followed him out of the restaurant.

"James said that him and Parisa are spending christmas at her house with her mum and dad so looks like I'm stuck with you" I laughed as I walked out of the bathroom and jumped onto the bed which Brad was lay on.

"Oh no how upsetting" he rolled his eyes before turning on his side and pulling me into him.

"I'm so tired I could sleep for a year"

"Go to sleep then babe" Brad whispered into my neck.
I closed my eyes and started to drift off when abroad spoke again.
"I love you"
WHATT? I wasn't expecting that so I slightly flinched and turned to face him.
"What did you just say?"
He cleared his throat before speaking again.
"I love you"
As shocked as I was, the only emotion I could show was happiness. I could feel the smile that appeared on my face.
"I love you too"
Brads face lit up and he just stared at me for a few seconds before crashing his lips onto mine.


Filter chapter in sorry but it's nearly Christmas so I don't have much time sorry. Hope everybody having a nice Christmas though

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