2 days

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It's been 2 days since me and Brad went on our date. I haven't spoken to him since which is starve but I suppose he's really busy with the band and their new single. But it doesn't take long to send one simple text message. I mean, he's had time for Twitter. Anyway here's me going on about it as if we are together or something.
I haven't done much over the last few days other than work. I have been working on a few songs though but it's hard without Charlie, I haven't managed to finish one since him and Mikey have been gone because we use to do it together and with Parisa visiting family I have nobody.

James is coming round later with some news for my about the band, I've never seen him as happy as he is right now and I'm so glad he found them boys.
I have a few days off work because my boss thinks I work to hard and rarely take any time off. Truth is I like working because it saves me from sitting in my apartment doing nothing.

I've been sat in the same place for about 3 hours until the sound of knocking on my door disturbed me.
I guess it must be James seen as I haven't made any other plans. I haven't actually told James about going out with Brad and I don't know of Brad has told him either so I'll keep it to myself for today.

I jump up off of the couch and open the door to see a smily James.
And Brad.


It's been 2 days since my date with Betsy. I've only told Tristan about it, he told me not to tell James yet incase he gets protective. I've wanted to text Betsy but Tristan said I might seem a bit desperate so I would leave it until tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to say to her though, I mean I want her to be my girlfriend but I don't want to put my friendship with James at risk.

I was shaken from my thoughts by the door bell. I walked over to my door wondering who it could possibly be because I haven't made any arrangements today.
I open the door to see James stood their with mixed emotions on his face.
Shit did he find out me and Betsy went out and I didn't have the balls to tell him myself.
Before I could say anything James spoke.
"Brad I need your help."
"What with?"
"I'm going round to Betsy's later and I'm going to have to tell her that well be spending allot of time down in London, I don't want to upset her because I know she doesn't like it when I leave town so will you come and tell her with me?"
I haven't even spoken to her since the date, I don't know how she's going to react to me turning up at her door with James. But it's James, I have to help him.
"Yeah sure? When are you going?"
"I stopped here on my way so now."
I quickly went and grabbed my jacket before we both left my apartment and headed for James's car.

The drive was silent simply because I was to busy panicking about seeing Betsy again, I don't think she knows that I haven't told James so conversation is going to be pretty awkward. I was going to tell James once I'd spoken to Betsy tomorrow but looks like my time has been cut short.

Betsy's apartment block wasn't far from mine so it didn't take long to get their. Before I knew it I found myself at Betsy's door with an exited James because he hasn't seen Betsy in a few days.
Betsy swung the door open with a large grin on her face as she saw James, but her happiest was soon replaced with shock when she looked at me and smiled.


I let the boys in and went to make drinks. Why was Brad with him? I hope James isn't annoyed that I went out with him, that if he even knows. Neither me or Parisa have told him.

I walked into the living room with drinks for the boys and I sat down on the couch opposite them.
"So James, what exiting news have you got to tell me?"
"Well you know how we are releasing a single next week? Well the single we are releasing is the one that me and Parisa wrote! It's called Can We Dance and I've got a copy of it here for you."
Omg I wonder if P knows about this?! OMG my brother is finally releasing a single with his band!! I couldn't contain my excitement so I let out a little scream.
"Omg does P know this? Omg k can't believe after all of you're hard work you finally get to do this! I'm so proud of you!" I screamed jumping on him pulling him in to one of my famous bear hugs.
After I finally let James go him and Brad started laughing at me.
"I haven't told her yet, I'm not going to until she hears it on the radio next Sunday, so you need to make sure she's listening. We are doing a radio interview and then it will be played for the first time then."
"Omg I can't actually believe this! We will obviously be listening!"
James looked down for a few seconds then looked back up at me with a slightly worried look on his face.
"B, you know how our career is starting to look up right now? Well it means we will be doing allot of promotion and interviews around the country but mainly in London. Joe thinks it's best if we move down their into two apartments he's found. I know that mum and dad are away most of the time and I hate that I have to leave you here by yourself but it's for the band."

I was expecting this, I mean he's not going to get very far if he's stuck in the same place all the time.

"James it's fine, it means I get to come and visit you, which means I'm my stuck here all the time. Yeah I'll miss you but I'd rather you be there living your dream then stuck working at some little cafe here."
Brad had barely spoken the entire time that he'd been here, but after I said that he finally opened his mouth.
"You really are amazing you know, James is lucky to have you."

I could feel my cheeks heating up and I stated to giggle abit.
"You wouldn't be saying that if you lived with me as long as James did." I replied still laughing.
"Thankyou for understanding B, I'm going to miss you soooo much." James said pulling me into another hug.

"Anyway enough about me, have you been doing this week?"

Hmm well I've spent most of it with you're best mate but I suppose I'd better leave that bit out.

"Nothing much, eating working sleeping writing, you know me." I said with a nervous laugh.

"Parisa said you and Brad went to McDonald's 3 days in a row, do I sense something brewing there?" He laughed and winked at me.
Me and Brad both laughed at him and he looked at us both before speaking again.

"Do you too think I'm stupid? I'm not bothered you know. Go out with whoever you want B but remember it's my job to kick the boys ass if he hurts you." He laughed but looked at Brad seriously.

Well this didn't just get even more awkward then it already was.

I know this is really bad but I have writers block and I haven't updated for a while. Next update will be soon though.

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