Wrong impression

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It been a long week, I've been unpacking and sorting things out, I got the job at Starbucks luckily though and I start next week.
Brads been really helpful but there is only so much a boy can do until he starts to get in the way and become no help at all when unpacking right??

It's really nice to not have a time limit on the amount of time I have to spend with him and the others. Normally I have a few days before I have to go home.

Me and Alex had been speaking quite allot and I'm actually going to meet him later. He doesn't really know anybody else down here and the band are off doing some interviews do if only be sat in the apartment by myself.

It's 11:30 and I'm meeting Alex in 15 minutes so is better get off the couch and go.

Starbucks is only a 5 minute walk from the apartment so I went and ordered my drink before I found a table.

It wasn't long before Alex walked in and spotted me strait away. He signalled that he was going to get a drink as my phone vibrated.

One message from Brad - miss you already :( I'm taking you out tomorrow night, and I won't take no for an answer!;) x x x x

I smiled to myself before replying

One message to Brad - I miss you too! Well I suppose I could fit you into my hectic life ;) see you later x x x

He nearly instantly replied

One message from Brad - Love you x x

I send him the same message back before sliding my phone into my pocket as I saw alex head over.

"Hey" alex said as he sat down.

"Hey, how have you been?"

"Good, I've not really done much though, just sorting out my apartment, you?"

"Yeah I'm good, brads off doing interviews and stuff again so he couldn't come along today"

"Does that not bother you? His job you know, not having much free time."

"No not really, he's home allot at the moment because most of his interviews and things like that are in London, he's been home the whole week that I've lived here. If anything I'm seeing to much of him!" I laughed, it was true. They hadn't had much to do this week.

"Oh well that's good, you two are serious then?" He asked as he messed with his fingers on the table

"Yeah, I guess you could say we are" I couldn't help but smile and I noticed Alex's eyes move to his hands.

"Well good, so what do you fancy doing today then? We could go bowling or something?"

"Yeah sounds good, we'd better head off now then" I smiled and stood up from my seat and alex did the same.

I had an amazing day although I found out that I'm not at all good at bowling. either that or alex is just extremally good at it. we played two games before we went and got a pizza and Alex insisted in walking me back to the apartment block.

"ive had a great day today, we should do this again if you arent to busy" alex said as we reached the entrance to the apartment block.

"yeah me to, definetly. I'll text you and see when you arent busy."

i was just about to start walking into the bulding when alex pulled me back towards him.

he stood staring at me for a few seconds before i noticed his face moving closer towards mine.

the first thing i thought of doing was putting my hand on his chest and thats what i did.

"Alex i didnt mean to give you the wrong impression but you know i am with Brad and im happy with Brad." i gave him a weak smile before removing my hand from his chest and taking a smal step backwards.

"I'm sorry i dont know what came over me i guess i just got caught up in the moment. friends?"

he held out his hand for my to shake which i did.

"friends" i smiled at him before heading into the apartment block.


sorry it has taken so long for me to update and sorry that this is a really bad and short capter but its just a flter. ive been sooooooo busy and i havent been feeling very well lately.

hope everybody is goood, thankyou for reading. it would mean allot if you were to vote/comment.

jodie xo

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