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"Pleaaaaase can you tell me where we are going?"
Brads decided not to tell me where he's taking me tonight, he just told me to dress nice but not to fancy. So I decided to where me black high waisted shorts with tights and my Black boots, with my white frilly crop to.

"If I told you it would ruin the surprise though!" Brad was laughing to himself as he drove.
"But you know I don't like surprises"
I pouted at him but it didn't seem to work.

"Hey I heard Parisa is coming down next week? It's been a while since she's been down, bet you miss her?"

"I know what you are doing Bradley, and it's not going to work. Tell me where we are going"
Brad didn't reply, he just simply laughed and pointed ahead of him.

"What?" I asked him slightly confused.

"Look down there"

I looked ahead of the car and and a small shop sign caught my eye.

Peter's pancakes

"Is that the pancake shop James was bragging about? He said it's the best in town didn't he?" I asked, getting exited because I mean who doesn't love pancakes?

"Best in town" Brad laughed.


"I don't think I'll be able eat another thing this week" I said after piling the last of my pancakes into my mouth.

"I don't know I think we should go for seconds?" Brads replied, actually looking serious.

"I hope you're joking"

Brad placed is hand on top of mine over the table before looking up at me and smiling.

"You know I love you right?"

"And I love you.. Is everything okay?"
Brad looked a little bit in edged, worried.

"Everything's fine don't worry. I mean, I know we haven't had much time to ourselves lately but I don't want us to fall apart. I don't want you to feel like you're on your own. Because I know it's only been a few months but you've made my life so much better, happier."

"Bradley, I'm not going anywhere. I get that you're in a band so you don't have much free time and you are only going to get bigger. I mean you have the album out soon don't you? You're the first boy I've trusted since Jack. I love you, we will make this work"

I gave him a genuine reassuring smile and placed my other hand on top of his.

"Don't get he wrong Brad, it's probably going to be tough, but we'll do it" I said and it looked like a weight was lifted off his shoulder.

"I love you, and that's all I know right now"

"Can't we please not get all soppy in the middle of a pancake shop Brad I laughed and lent back on my chair.

"It's a bit late for that don't you think?" Brad laughed before calling over the waitress for the bill.

It's crazy isn't it? This time last year I would never of imagined being sat here with an amazing girlfriend eating pancakes. And for my job to be in a band. It's crazy just thinking about it.

My cheeks must of gone a bright shade of pink because Brad looked at me and laughed to himself.

"I hope that's a good crazy Simpson"

"The best"


After a short stroll back to the car and a drive home that consisted of us both singing at the top of our lungs to the Arctic Monkeys we finally reached the apartment.

"I had a nice night tonight, I'm going to have to make sure we do this more often." Brad said as he opened the apartment door.

"Deal" I said before pecking him on lips.

"You know Connors staying at a friends tonight, that means nobody's coming home until morning" Brad said before connecting his lips with mine.

"Hmm is that so Bradley?"

Brads hands started to explore my body, his lips still connected to mine. The kids deepened before Brad pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.

"I've told you before, don't call me Bradley"

"Well Bradley, you're going to have to wait because I kind of really need to use the little girls room" way to kill the moment Betsy.

I walked out of the bathroom to see a not so emily Brad sat on the bed staring at his phone like he wanted to throw it at somebody.

"Everything okay Brad?" I asked as I walked over to the bed

"You know when you went out with that boy.. Alex? Did erm, did anything happen?"

"What do you mean did anything happen?"

"You know what I mean Betsy" Brad snapped.

"For Gods sake Bradley are you really playing that card again?! After the conversation we had tonight?!" I said, slightly raising my voice.

"Well why have a just been tweeted a picture of you and him, pretty close with your hand on his chest?"



I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long but I've been really ill and I've been hooked on prison break (if any body I speak to reads this they will understand) 😂

Hope everybody is good.
Votes / comments are highly appreciated x x

Love jodie x x

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