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The last few days have been amazing. It's been so nice to have my best friends back home. I know that we are constantly texting or face-timing but I guess it's not the same. We haven't really done much though, just lounged around and talked about everything but nothing. Just like it use to be.

Brad was coming to stay today, as far as I know anyway. He hasn't really spoken to me much over the last few days but I guess he's busy with the band, and they are only going to get bigger so I should get use to it now. His train gets in in about half an hour so he should be here in the next hour. I'm exited for him to meet the boys properly seen as they only other time he's met them was the first night he was round and well, that was an awkward night. It's crazy that that was months ago now. Since then The vamps happened and so did me and Brad.

Mikey decided that he wanted to make a cake for Brad because, well Mikey doesn't need explaining really, we just go along with it.
It's been about 45 minutes and Parisa and Mikey decided me and charlie weren't allowed to decorate the cake because we aren't near enough with it. So me and C are snuggled on the couch watching criminal minds. Before you all start, me and Charlie have always been close, and that's not going to change because I'm with Brad now. Charlie is like a baby brother and that's how I treat him. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Obviously somebody wanted to scare the living day light out of me seen as they knocked on my door just and the killer jumped out in the program. I couldn't think of anybody else that it could possibly be at my door other than Brad so I quickly jumped up off of the couch and ran to the door.
I swung it open and stood there in front of me was my amazing boyfriend. Before I could even speak I was pulled into a warm and tight bear hug, my favourite.
"I've missed you" Brad mumbled into my neck.
"I've missed you too"

"BETSY WE HAVE FINISHED THE CAKE COME SE.. Oh brads here hi" Mikey said walking into the hall from the kitchen. At this point Brad had closed the door behind him and was pulling his suitcase into the living room.

"Hey Brad" Parisa said as she also walked into the living room.
"Hey , I don't know if you remember us but I'm Charlie and thats Mikey" Charlie said as he stood up and took Brads case off him ready to take it t my room.
"Of course I remember you, Betsy doesn't shut up about you anyway" Brad chuckled.

Charlie laughed and walked out of the room, presumingly taking Brads case to my room.

"So what are you watching then?" Brad asked pointing towards the tv.
"Only the best crime drama on TV" I replied, what can I say I like murders.
"Oh gee what a surprise" he rolled his eyes before sitting on the couch and pulling me down next to him.
We stayed like this for a while, once again talking about everything but nothing. But they boys were mainly interested in Brad and The vamps rather than the fact they were visiting their best friend. But I didn't mind because I didn't want to move from where I was sat. brads arm tightly rapped around my waist as if to so some sign of protection, from what I don't know. My head was lent on his shoulder and I rapped my arm around his stomach. Honestly I think I was about to fall asleep. In fact I think I did because I completely missed the whole conversation, and was brought back by Brad lightly shaking my arm.
"Betsy do you want to go to bed?" Brad whispered seen as the others were deep in some kind of debate.
" No I'm fine it's only early honest"
"Alright well I'm just going to go to the bathroom whilst these lot carry on arguing about which lucozade is the nicest, honestly it's like being back with The boys in London" Brad laughed as he pulled himself away from me and walked out of the room after lightly kissing my forehead. Brad kisses are always good kisses.
I could tell this argument was mainly between P and Mikey so I beckoned Charlie to come and sit with me which he did.
"You look happy you know"he whispered in my ear as I snuggled into him slightly.
"I feel it, I really like Brad"
"He seems like a nice boy, allot nicer then that Jake or whatever his name was"
"His name was Jack and he was a dick that's why" I kind of snapped, just really by the mention of his name.
" I worry about you B, I don't think Brad would do what he did to you but I still worry. I just don't want you to go threw all of that again"
"I don't think Brad would do that Charlie"
Instead of replying he rapped he's arms around me and I turned to face him, him kissed my forehead.
And as just on time ..

"I like your soap it smells really ni.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Brad came around the corner and into the room and well if looks could kill..

"Brad what are you shouting about?" I said as I stood up and walked towards him.
He took a step back whilst pointing towards Charlie.
"Don't let me stop you and Charlie, I mean I'm just you're boyfriend, nothing important. Let me know when you've finished"
And with that Brad walked strait out of the front door slamming it behind him.


I know it may seem like he reacted over nothing but just wait for the next chapter😋

My chapters aren't very detailed and are pretty rubbish but I don't have much time to write them so I'm really sorry. Anyway bit of drama for you.

Thankŷou for reading
Jodie xxz

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