Christmas day

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"But what if they don't like me Braddd"

"Betsy why wouldn't they like you? They have every reason too like you!"

Me and Brad were currently on a train on the way to Birmingham in Christmas Eve. I'm not going to lie, I'm shitting myself. What I'd brads family don't like me, I mean would that change brads opinion on me?
"I don't know I'm just worried that's all" I whined

"Betsy, you're amazing, you're sweet, you're kind. They have no reason to hate you, my mum has been dying to meet you for months now! " He cupped my checks cheeks and locked his eyes with mine "just relax"
This is the first Christmas I'm spending away from my family so it's going to be strange but I can't help that my parents are on the other side of the world. We still had over an hour left on the train so I gently lay my head on Brads shoulder and closed my eyes for a while.

"Babe, babe you need to wake up"
I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that we had now pulled into a station.
"Did I fall asleep for that long?I'm sorry you must of been so uncomfortable!"
"It's fine, you looked peaceful" Brad chuckled.
Brad grabbed both of our cases and we stepped off the train.
"Mum dad and Nat are picking us up but I can't see.. Oh wait there they are" Brad pointed and then started to speed walk over, he was so exited to see them bless him.

"Mum I've missed you so much" Brad squealed like a girl as he hugged his mum.
He then moved onto his dad and finally a girl who I'm guessing is his sister.

"Mum Dad Nat, this is my girlfriend Besy-Blue, Betsy-Blue this is my mum, dad and sister Nat"
brads mum pulled me into a hug which I instantly returned.
"Betsy-blue, we've heard so much about you! It's lovely to finally meet you, call me Anne."

"I hope it's all good! Call me Betsy, honestly Betsy-blue drives me insane! I giggled.

"Obviously it's all good, my boy wont stop telling me about you every time we speak on the phone, honestly he's so.."

"Alright mum I'd like to keep my girlfriend and not have you scare her away!" Brad laughed however I could see his cheeks go slightly red.

We made our way to the car which didn't take us long before we all got in. The car journey didn't seem to last very long and it mainly consisted of Nat telling me embarrassing stories about Brad. His family seemed really sweet.

When we got to brads family home, Brad instantly dragged me upstairs.

"Omg I'm so embarrassed! Honestly I should have seen this coming, She takes any opportunity to embarrass me!"
I couldn't help but laugh at how embarrassed he actually was.
"Brad it's not even that bad! Anyway I'm going to unpack my clothes before they get all creased and horrible"
He just shook his head and launched himself on to his double bed and pulling out his phone.
I unpacked my clothes and hung them up in brads wardrobe and then joined Brad on the bed.

"So what's the plan Simpson"
"Well we always get dominos and watch the grinch on Christmas Eve, and I'm sure my mum wants to spend some time with you, so I guess we should go downstairs." He got up from the bed and reached his hand out which I accepted and he pulled me up before intertwining his hand with mine as we walked down the stairs.

"Ahhh the couple finally appear!" Nat said as we walked into the living room.
"We've already ordered pizza, we got you meat feasts is that okay?" Anne asked as we sat down.
"That's perfect thankyou" I smiled.
The rest of the night consisted of eating, laughing and cuddling. Honestly it was amazing.

"BRAD ITS CHRISTMAS WAKE UP!" I shouted down his ear once I'd returned from the bathroom.
"Jeez Betsy what time is it?"
"It's 9am and your mother wants you up!"
"Betsy we aren't five anymore!"
Talking wasn't going to get Brad out of bed so I took the situation into my own hands and decided to poor the glass of water I had on the side of the bed over his head.

"Betsy what the fuck!"
"Will you get up now?" I smirked.
Brad through himself out of the bed and moaned whilst doing it.
"I win"

Brads family were waiting outside the door for us to get out and I could tel Nat was as excited as a 6 year old. Now that Brad was awake he too was acting very excited.

"Right you three stay out here and me and you're dad will check if he's been"

"Mum I'm not 5 anymore, I may look it but I'm not" Brad laughed.

"I don't care" Anne walked into the room followed by Derek.

A few seconds later they came back out with huge grins on their faces.

"You can go in now"

Obviously Brad was the first one in there and I'm sure I heard him squeal.
"Jesus mum!"
The room did look more like Santas grotto.
We all sat down and they all dug into their presents. I brought a card and two presents for myself with me, one off James and one off my parents.

I opened the card which was also off my parents and found a check for £400 . This is what my parents do, they try and buy the time they miss back. I mean I'm grateful but I'd much rather them be here.
Next I opened the gift off them which was a beautiful pandora bracelet with just one simple charm on it, just how I like them to look.
I opened James's gift and sitting on the top of a box was a team McVey shirt, no surprises there.
I opened the box which contained a cute pair of heels that I'd been looking at in Topshop a few weeks back.
Note to self, thank James.

I put my gift to the side and looked up at Brad who was dug into all of his presents like a 5 year old.

"Darling there is a pile over there off us, you didn't think we'd leave you out did you?" Anne said pointing to quite a large pile of presents.
"Oh god you really shouldn't have! But thankyou"
I wasn't expecting that at all, I haven't even met them before and here they are giving me a pile of presents.

Once everybody had finished, and I must say Anne and Derek got me some amazing gifts, I handed Brad his off me.
He slowly opened it to reveal a few bracelets to add to his collection, a leather jacket and a small box.
He looked up at me before opening the box and I couldn't help but smile when his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"You got me a ring?"
Yeah, if you look on the inside of it it has a cute little heart. I thought seen and you are going to be away allot and we don't even live in the same city now, it's something to show I'm always with you and proud of you."
"Betsy have you already seen you're present from me?" Brad looked at my slightly confused

"No why?"

He handed me a little gift bag filled with tissue paper. The first thing I pulled out was the tangled dvd which it's been meaning to buy.
I then pulled out a gorgeous pair of jeans from river island.
Finally a pulled out a little box, Similar to the one I have my gift to him in.
I opened the box and my eyes must have popped out of my head.
It was a thin ring, filled with little dark pink diamonds.
"They are Rubys. That's my birthstone and I don't know I thought you'd like it for when you aren't in London with us."

"It's beautiful! I love it Thankyou."
I slipped the ring into my right ring finger and Brad did the same.

"Merry Christmas babe" Brad said As he slipped his arm around my waist and a snuggled into him.

"I love you"

"I love you too"



Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and you all got everything you wanted.

Jodie xx

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