The past

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What?! I really do not have a clue what has just happened. One minute Brad was fine, the next he stormed out and accused me and Charlie of something.
He knows that me and Charlie have always been close, but he's like my little brother and To be honestly thinking of him like that makes me feel sick! How can Brad just accuse me of something like that? And then just storm out, not saying where he is going or takin anything with him.
I felt a mixture of hurt, upset and angry all at the same time, something I hadn't felt since Jack.
My heart was pounding as I lay on my bed alone.
I decided I should probably go and speak to the others about this since they are probably wondering what the hell just happened.
I slowly walked back into the living room, and strait away all eyes were on me.

"What the hell was that about Betsy?!" Parisa said as she jumped up, running over to me because she could probably tell I was upset.
"I...I don't know.. I don't know what he was thinking I was doing I mean it's bloody charlie?!"
She pulled me into a tight hug before we went and sat down on the couch again, snuggling.

"B, I'm sorry. I guess he doesn't know what our relationship is like so I shouldn't have been as..."
Charlie started before I cut him off.
"No he does. He may have never seen it but I've told him just how close we are, and with Mikey too. In fact p, we acted just the same as we did the first night he ever came round when James introduced him! He obviously doesn't trust me so what's the point?"


It's been 11 hours since Brad walked out, and he hadn't returned. He couldn't have had enough money on him for a hotel so I hope he's okay. I mean I'm angry but I still care.
It's only 9am so I doubt anybody else is awake. I didn't get much sleep. I spend most of the night tossing and turning, and constantly checking my phone. Mainly because I was worried about Brad, but also because I was so angry with how he reacted.
I lay staring at Brad's suitcase for a while, I wonder if he will appear today. I hope so.

I thought it would be a good idea to text James and see if he'd spoken to him.

One message to James - Morning! Hope everything is okay in London. I miss you lots :( have you spoken to Brad since last night? Love you xx

Almost instantly he replied

One message from James - hey! Yeah it's going amazing, we recorded a few new songs before Brad left. He text me last night at around midnight, but the text didn't really make sense so I just presumed he was drunk or something. Why? I love you too sis xx

Great. Brad went and got drunk which means he could be anywhere, he could be lying in a gutter for all I know

I quickly text James back saying that it doesn't really matter and that I'll text him later before my bedroom door opened.

"You should really lock your front door" a familiar voice spoke as a figure appeared in my doorway.

"Brad omg you had me worried sick! Where did you go? Where did you stay? What the hell was last night about?!" I sat up in my bed as he walked over towards his case.

"Oh save it Betsy, like you actually care. Anyway I just came for my stuff. I'm catching a train back to London." He replied, no emotion in his voice.

"Are you serious Brad? For starters, of corse I care! And I don't know what you think you saw last night but there is nothing going on between me and Charlie. Ew thinking about that makes me sick."

"Didn't look like that last night, you were all over him as soon as I left the room."

"Brad we were talking about you and how you are different to Jack and how Charlie was just worried about me and.."

Brad quickly cut me off
"My ex, but that's not the point, what matters is th.."
Once again he cut me off.
"Yes it does Betsy, why am I different to Jack? And why is Charlie worried? What does he think I'll do?!" I could hear the anger increase in his voice again so I quickly spoke.
"No no he thinks you are a good different." The expression on brads faced seemed to calm down and he looked slightly more relaxed
"Jack, well me and Parisa were really close with this girl. Holly. Me and Jack had been together for quite a while, over a year until one day I decided to surprise him at his house, but well let's just say he was already busy. He confessed that him and Holly had been seeing each other for over a month behind my back. One of my best friends, I mean what kind of friend does that?!"
I felt a tear escape my eye. I thought I wouldn't have to speak about this again.
Brad slowly walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge and patting the spot next to him, signalling for me to move and sit with him which I did.
"You don't have to tell me anything else if you don't want, in fact we can change the subject all together because I don't want you getting upset about it. I had know Idea that something like that had happened to you. God knows why he did it, i couldn't think of anybody I'd rather spend my time with. I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions. I know that you and Charlie are close and I need to accept that. I'm sorry"
I didn't reply, I just buried my head in his chest, and he rapped his arms around me.
After a few minutes, I say up and i couldn't help but stare at Brads lips. I noticed him start to lean in and then it hit me. Morning breathe. I leant my head back and I noticed Brad frown.

"You're not mad at me are you?" Brad asked

"No no, morning breathe. Sorry but I'm not kissing you until I've brushed my teeth!"
Brad laughed at me and I jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom, cleaning my teeth and washing my face before re entering my bedroom.

"Now you may give me that kiss" I giggled as Brad walked over to me and rapped his arms around my waist, mine instantly rapped around his neck.

"Morning, how are yo.. Oh god" Parisa walked into my room and me and Brad instantly started laughing.

Betsy and Brad made up. But I still have a few tricks up my sleeve from the night Brad went a wall;) anyway I hope you are enjoying it. If you could vote and comment it would mean allot.


Jodie xx

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