The unexpected

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That's all I ask for. The past week I've not been sleeping well, it's been torture. I've been sick every now and then.
Brads been amazing, as usual.
He even offered to ditch the interviews and meetings he's had planned but I convinced him not too.

I'm going to have to go to the doctors tomorrow if I don't feel any better.

I did move all morning. The boys were out doing whatever and Parisa doesn't come down for another two days. I just sat and watched one disney film after another.

I've been texting Alex a lot this past week, he's become a really good friend.
I wouldn't dare tell Brad this yet though because I know he doesn't trust him and he has every right not to.

"Betsy are you awake?" I heard a familiar voice from the door way.

"Yeah" I faintly replied.

"Good because I bought McDonalds and if you were asleep Id of had to eat it all" Brad laughed as he walked over to the bed.

"Well wasn't that kind of you ey" I laughed as Brad got under the covers with me.

"So what have you done today?" I asked him.
"Not much, we went to the studio for a bit and then did some interviews. Did you book yourself in for the doctors?"

"Yeah I had to pull another sicky for it at work. I seriously need to go back before they fire me I've been off for nearly a week!" I hadn't actually thought about that until now.

"Don't worry you can't help being ill. How are you feeling anyway?" Brad lifted his arm up signalling for my to snuggle into his chest.

"I'm tired. I only really feel ill in the morning. The rest of the day I'm just hungry and tired" I sighed before sitting up and grabbing the bag of Food.

"Well just try and get some sleep. Do you want me to put my breaking bad boxset on? Brad looked at me smirking.

"No but you can put my prison break boxset on for me. Oh the things I'd do to that man." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Cough cough boyfriend here cough cough" Brad said and I rolled my eyes at him.


The next morning I woke up and instantly through up. No change there then.

When I walked into the kitchen Connor was already up and sat at the table.

"Morning" I grunted.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked as I sat with him.

"Like absolute shit" I said putting my head on the table.

"And I have to go to the doctors today. I hate going to the doctors on my own but Brads in the studio and I wouldn't let him cancel"

"Well I'm not needed today so I'll come if you like? Moral support."

I lifted my head off the table.

"Do you not mind? Connor you are amazing" I said giving him a little hug before standing up.

"Well I need to go in half an hour so I'm going to go and get changed. Make sure you are ready Ball" I said walking out of the kitchen.

"Are you source you don't want me to come with you? I honestly don't mind Joe will understand" Brad said as I pushed him out of the door.

"Connors coming, I'll be fine now go and record some music." I said before pecking his lips and closing the door before he argued again.

"I love you" I heard Brad should from the other side of the door.

"I love you too" I shouted back before I heard footsteps slowing fading away down the hall.

"Right are you ready to go" Connor said walking out of his room.

"Yeah I suppose. Thank you again for coming I don't know what it is about them I just hate going" I laughed as I grabbed my keys and coat.

"It's fine, I had nothing better to do anyway. James is cleaning his apartment for when P comes and Tris is probably sleeping or something" Connor replied and we walked out of the apartment.

"It's only round the corner so we might as well walk"

"Well easy for you to say, you haven't spent the last week in bed have you" I sarcastically replied.


"So Miss Mcvey, you've been sick most mornings over the past week and you've been extremely tired?" Dr Adams said whilst typing away on her computer.

" Yeah I haven't moved out of bed really" I replied.

"She's been supper grumpy too" Connor laughed and I rolled my eyes at him before laughing.

"Well I do have an idea of what is wrong, are you okay talking about it in front of your friend?" Dr Adams said gesturing towards Connor.

"Yeah I'm fine, Connor is practically family"

"Well would you mind giving me a urine sample, and I will run some tests which will conform what I think is wrong." She replied handing me a little plastic cup thing.

"Okay, I'll be back in a second"
I walked into the toilets quickly doing my business before returning into the room. I gave the doctor my little cup of wee and she walked out of the room leaving me and Connor alone.

"What do you think is wrong Connor? Why does she have do do tests?" I started to panic. I thought she would just give some antibiotics and I'd be on my way. Why would she need to run tests?

" I'm sure it's just to confirm that she's giving you the right things and stuff you no. Don't worry it will be fine B" Connor said putting his hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"Thank you Connor, you're right im sure it's nothing."

Dr Adams walked back into the room with some paper and something else in her hands. She seemed quite happy which made me feel quite relieved.

"Well Betsy I've ran some test, are you sure you want to talk about this in front of your friend?" She said smiling at me.

"Yes it's fine. What do the tests say?" I said eager to no what they say.

"Well Betsy, I'm pleased to tell you that you are pregnant. You are going to have a baby, congratulations"

So Expect the Unexpected only has a few chapters left! Do you want a sequel? Let me know by commenting because I don't want to write one if nobody is going to read it.

Thankyou for reading and for 2k reads! Ily

Jodie x x

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