27 | ᴀʟʏᴀ

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"Come on, it will be fun!" I dangle my legs as Zayd carries me out of the room, passing a few scary dudes who glare at us

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"Come on, it will be fun!" I dangle my legs as Zayd carries me out of the room, passing a few scary dudes who glare at us. Zayd looks scary himself so he doesn't look as out of place as me.

Of course, I'm just messing with him, not like I'd do it.

Zayd's eyes darken dangerously and his jaws clench.

"Don't promise what you can't give, Alya," he rasps out. A cold shiver passes down my spine and I swallow before smiling at him brightly to hide my nervousness.

"You don't think I can give you a lap dance?" I tease, loving his reaction to my words.

He doesn't answer.

"I can prove you wrong y'know. Just imagine how fun it'll be."

"Fuck," he growls before lifting his arms and slamming his lips on mine, taking me completely by surprise. I pretend to have forgotten our 'no kisses for a month' deal as I savour the feeling of his lips. They caress mine in a way I never thought he could, so gentle as if I'd break if he applied more pressure.

The kiss turns needy and rough in a matter of seconds. A kiss that started gentle turns into a battle of lips and tongues.

"Get a room," a sultry voice calls out from behind. Zayd breaks the kiss and turns around. I feel my chest burn when he smiles at the newcomer. He never smiles.

"Maddie," he breathes out, his smile only widening. This 'Maddie' girl has a tanned complexion and the height models would be jealous of. Her hair is dyed to a shade of maroon that gives her the badass look and her eyes are green like mine, except they're lighter. She completely ignores me and steps forward to hug Zayd.

Crushing me in the process.

I groan loudly, she almost crushed my already crushed ribs. She jumps away and looks at me with a sorry but not sorry kind of look. So she's one of those girls.

Zayd opens his mouth to say something but my phone cuts him off. He helps me get the phone from my bag and my blood runs cold when I see the caller id.

"We need to get out of here," I tell Zayd. Maddie looks at me with anger evident in her face.

"We should go out sometime," she chirps, looking at Zayd. Zayd rubs his neck, his eyes darting to me before he mumbles a sure. After short goodbyes, we get out of there.

Zayd walks outside and sits me in his bike. I finally receive the call.

"Mom?" I gulp.

"Where are you, honey?" Shoot.

"Uncle's house. Dinner, remember?" Smooth Alya, smooth.

"It's getting late honey, do you want me to send dad?"

"No mom, I'll be fine."

Thankfully, my uncle and my parents had this cold war going on. I'm going to have to call and lie to uncle to; maybe I should reschedule the dinner, I missed my cousins.

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