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I'm obsessed with Zayd T_T

The book I mean, not the 'son of a bi- biscuit'.

I see red

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I see red. My hand on his throat doesn't loosen while I continuously punch his face. I can't feel anything other than the raw rage that flows inside my veins.

How dare he say anything about my dad?

I punch the other guy in the face, the one who tries to pull me away. He falls down and scoots away, I resume with my punches. My fists plummet in his face mercilessly. I'm sure his face is bloody but I don't feel like stopping anytime soon.

I can hear shouts in the background, I pay no heed to them. They don't know how it feels. They'd be doing the same if they felt what I was feeling.

They'll never understand.

I'm pulled away by three pair of arms, some around my torso and some on my arm. I thrash against their hold, I want to kill this boy. I want to see the life drain out of him- by my own hands. Torture him until he fucking dies.

Like his father had done to my dad.

And he had the audacity to rub it in my face.

"Calm down, man," River pats my back, I focus on my laboured breathing, fighting the fucked up memories. They took away the only thing I had and later claimed it to be a 'mistake'. They offered a fucking compensation.

Life can not be fucking compensated.

The audacity.

"Aaraiz, inside your tent now," Mr Kale yells at me, I surprisingly do as I am said. River, Chase and I walk back to our tent. They try to take my mind off what had happened earlier but they don't succeed.

Theo just looks at me with that pitiful look and I swear I would punch the fucking hell out of him like I had done to that little guy. But I don't, for the sake of-

Trust for her to take my mind off the painful memories without her even knowing.

An hour later, they're all asleep in their sleeping bags. I come out of our tent and walk to the clearing. It's dark outside and nothing is visible except for the sky.

I'm reminded of that night with Alya. I think I'm fucking obsessed with her. Not a minute passes and she's already on my mind. I inhale the pollution-free air and find a huge rock to sit on.

It feels oddly calming, I reminisce the memories of me and my father. He would always take me for Friday prayers and I looked forward to them for the whole damn week. And how we would always go star gazing after dinner.

I hear footsteps nearing me. There is no light so I can't make out who it is. Until I see the headscarf clad head. What is she doing here in the middle of the night?

She comes to stand right next to me, oblivious of my presence.

I think about starting a conversation but realize she isn't going to talk to me even if I do so. So, I stay right next to her and watch the sky without her knowing.

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