23 | ᴀʟʏᴀ

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I just wanted to know him better.

He seemed genuinely sweet a day back. How could he turn so cold?

So what if I really had kissed Theo? He had no right to be this angry. And the fact that he was acting that way when I hadn't even kissed Theo makes me more than just mad. What's more- he wouldn't even listen to me.

I kick the stones on my way angrily.

Theo was right, I should not have come here. And if Theo were to know I went there anyway, he would surely be mad. Now that I see it, Theo is way better than Zayd.

Except he doesn't make me feel butterflies in my stomach. And he doesn't pluck wildflowers for me and tell me they remind him of me. And he doesn't share the same love of stars that I have. And he doesn't make me see stars in daylight with just a kiss. And he doesn't call me his little strawberry when I blush.

I remain to kick the stones angrily as I walk back home. It's starting to get darker. I look at the pink sky, I wish I stayed home.

I halt in my steps when a hand turns me around by my elbow. Thinking it to be Zayd- the second I turn around I punch him straight in his nose.

"Ow bitch," a man probably in his mid-twenties groans, holding his nose as blood trickles down. Shit, I thought him to be Zayd!

"I'm so sorry," I tell him with an apologetic smile while he continues to curse at me. Poor guy. After saying sorry a couple more times, I turn around and begin my way home because it seemed as if he wanted to kill me.

What was I thinking? Yeah- Zayd. Anger again bubbles in my chest.

After a few more steps, I'm again turned around. This time when I turn around, it's the same guy from before. Except the blood has started to dry and he looks at me with a sinister smile.

My blood runs cold when his hand shoots to my throat.

"You slut," he says before squeezing my neck a little. My knee shoots up and hits him right where I hit Zayd. He falls on the ground, groaning and moaning in pain.

I've got a great reflex.

Ha! Take that, you asshole.

I smile at him before kicking him in his stomach. Now he'll know not to mess with me, I'm the queen of self-defence. Zayd would know.

Just when I am about to turn around, a motorbike pulls up and slides to block my way. Another guy? I pull my sleeves back, time to show them who the queen is. Then they'll know not to mess with me, especially when I'm mad.

The second the biker takes the helmet out, I lunge at him. Not because it's some other psycho, but because surprise, it's Zayd!

Zayd easily holds both of my wrists with a single hand and I glare at his hand. Why did he have to be so damn strong?

"Release me, you twat."

He surprisingly does what I say. My chest is still bubbling with anger so I decide it is better if I just leave, I don't want to waste my energy on him. However, his hand shoots to my wrist again when I'm about to go round the bike and continue.

"Climb on."

"You wish."

I'm about to bite his hand off when he gets off the bike. In a swift move, he holds my waist and lifts me only to male me straddle his bike. I'm about to jump off but he holds my hips and keeps me hostage.

"You.. you jerk-face. Let me go, I have nothing to do with you anymore!" I scream at his face. I notice that he has a black eye and a cut in his cheekbone.

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