15 | ᴀʟʏᴀ

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The second I fall into the ice-cold water, I lose all my senses

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The second I fall into the ice-cold water, I lose all my senses. Literally. My eyes shut on their own accord and I struggle to swim and remain afloat. Darkness consumes me but I swear I feel something over my waist pull me before I pass out.

The first thing I realize when I open my eyes, Zayd's mouth is over mine.

I cough the water out of my lungs and push him away, my lungs burn painfully.

"I was about to die and that's what you're doing?" I say breathlessly.

Zayd gives me a blank look but you can see the concern swirling in those blue orbs.

"I was giving you this thing called CPR," he says dryly. I roll my eyes.

"Thank you for saving my life," I tell him sarcastically while I tremble, my clothes are damp and I think I'm going to have hypothermia. My teeth clatter.

"You're supposed to be thankful," he grumbles looking at my state. His eyes widen and he looks around for something before leaving me behind. He walks into the woods.


He doesn't reply. What the.. did he leave me here? I try to stand up but I can't. I feel pathetic, like a drowned cat.

The heat of the sun isn't warm enough, thanks to the clouds and my clothes are never going to dry this way. I hear footsteps, the crunching of old leaves and a minute later, Zayd returns with an arm full of firewood.

A smile graces my lips despite my state, this is so.. sweet. Who knew Zayd could be sweet?

I wait, sprawled in the ground with clattering teeth and watch Zayd, he has gotten rid of his leather jacket and I can watch the muscle beneath the thin shirt rippling with every move.

He stacks the firewood one above another and reaches for his back pocket, taking out his lighter. He does all this with that serious look in his face and clenched jaws. And I find it hot. Like, seriously.

Lighting the fire, he looks at it for a second before turning towards me. His eyes rake over my form and he shakes his head, pulling at his hair. He comes over and stands over me.

"We have to get rid of your clothes."


"N-n-no," I reply.

"We have to," he grits out. I look at him with widened eyes, shivering wildly. Because of the cold, not by the thought of actually doing it.

"I-I c-can't."

"Please," he says. Softly. So soft I don't even hear him properly. He gets up and walks to a tree. He grabs his leather jacket that is hanging in a branch and brings it to me, I realize his clothes are wet as well.

Of course, they would be, he saved me after all.

He kneels next to me and looks into my eye. I feel my heart warming at his gaze, he looks concerned.

Zayd ✔️Where stories live. Discover now