26 | ᴢᴀʏᴅ

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"What place is this?" Alya whispers harshly, her eyes narrowed into slits as I walk with her in my arms, down the hallway

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"What place is this?" Alya whispers harshly, her eyes narrowed into slits as I walk with her in my arms, down the hallway. The neon lights falling on her face makes her soft features look ethereal. However, her expression on the other hand is anything but ethereal.

"You look like a strawberry but act like a fucking tigress, babygirl. Looks can be deceiving," I tell her, pulling her close when a guy leaning against the door looks at her. Fucker.

"Was that a compliment?" she smiles a toothy grin momentarily forgetting that she was angry not seconds ago, I chuckle silently.

"Maybe. I hope you're a fierce little tigress in bed too," I wink at her.

Aw, here comes my strawberry.

"Your woman?" Stephan turns to look at me while walking. I smirk at Alya before looking at him and saying a yes. Her eyes widen and I notice how she inhales shakily.

Stephen leads us to a room and we take a seat in the plush couch at the corner of the room. The room is spacious with red and blue neon lights falling from the ceiling, the chandeliers hanging above us give the room more of a luxurious look.

There are a few tables in the middle filled with men people would call dangerous. Other than the tattoos and piercings, their look alone would make people pee in their pants.

"What is this place? Who are they?"

I look at my scared babygirl and answer.


Her eyes widen in realization as she settles on my lap, fuck. I'm pretty sure she does not realize where she is sitting because there is no way in hell that she'd sit on my lap and fucking wiggle. My hands shoot to her hips and I hold her firmly, keeping her in place.

She jumps at the action, finally realizing where she was sitting. She slides down my lap and settles next to me, wincing.

"How have you been, kid? You've grown up," Stephen smiles at me. His gaze on me is soft, fatherly.

"Still the same, don. How have you been?"

"I've grown my territory, we're the most powerful gang in the country," he puffs his chest in pride, leisurely playing with his gun. I feel Alya stiffen beside me so I wrap my arm around her. She relaxes a moment later.

"Good to know," I tell him genuinely.

"So, who is she?"

"Hello, I'm Alya," Alya squeaks, fiddling with her fingers nervously. She raises her head and meets Don's eyes, not many can.

"Hello," he grins at her, Alya scoots closer to me. "She's cute," Stephen tells me before turning back to her, "Tell me if he doesn't treat you right, si?" She nods her head okay nervously.

"Don," a hard voice calls out.


"There's an emergency," the newcomer clears his throat, his eyes dart over us before going back to Don. Don nods his head once and excuses himself.

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